
Hi, My name is Addison Dickerson I am currently 16 years old and a sophomore. This is my first year on the Rage Page staff.  I have 2 siblings, I am the oldest, and I have a sister who is 13 years old and a brother who is 7 years old. In my free time, I love to golf and hang out with my friends. I have played golf since I was 5 years old. I decided to take it seriously my freshman year and I joined the golf team. This year I was on the girl's varsity golf team. I also love serving in my church and singing on the worship team. My favorite season is summer. Over summer break my favorite things to do are going to the pool and serving at a local kids camp at Heartland. One day I aspire to go to Southeastern University and play golf at their main campus. I want to major in business and minor in ministerial leadership. My favorite food is alfredo. My favorite drink is Dr. Pepper.