Michael Spangenberg

By Isaiah Schutt, Class of 2025

   Michael Spangenberg is a known, and liked, student in the sophomore class as many students have said good things about him.

   “Many people like him, he’s a fun guy to talk to and hang out with. He is also always making funny jokes,” Charlotte Smith said.

   “He’s a goofball mostly but can be really genuine at heart when you’re talking with him about something,” Eli said.

   Spangenberg noted he considers himself a people person on a day to day basis where it depends on his mood that day.

  “I have Band 1st period, the people I'm around, they're all very goofy and it just puts me in a good mood throughout the day,” he said.

   Spangenberg said that he jokes around with his Spanish teacher, Maestra Viau. He mentioned that he could be more laid back because he could just speak and use the language to mess with the teacher a bit.

   He commented on if he messes with his teachers in other classes.

   According to Spangenberg “I think it really depends on the teacher, so Maestra is very relaxed with it and I can get away with that. Having that kind of fun with other teachers maybe not as much but I still definitely carry that same sort of sass, to a certain degree.”

   Spangenberg said that at his house he is more “chilled out” and relaxed. He also said that his siblings are out of the house but he has his dog to spend time with.

   “[I’m] not always the silly goofy [person]. I think it really just depends on how I’m feeling that day,” he said.

   “I think school in itself just gives like a fun opportunity to be yourself and just like interact with all the students around you, being able to make a positive impact and have people enjoy you being in their classes. I think that's a good little honor you know,” according to Spangenberg.