NHs's powderpuff is back

Chesney Stackpole, editor, Class of 2025

Winter 2022 Issue

Powder Puff is a BWHS tradition. Girls from grades 9-12 play flag football to raise money for the National Honor Society. People gather to watch the Freshman play the Seniors and the Sophomores play the Juniors.

This year the annual game was held at the new high school with our new turf field. Everyone wanted to win Powder Puff this year so they could be the first Powder Puff champions in the new stadium.

The 2022 theme was farm animals.

Freshman were chickens, sophomores were sheep, juniors were pigs, and seniors were goats.

Everyone had their game faces on and everyone was getting more and more competitive the closer game day came.

The freshman, sophmores, and juniors all had Instagram pages that showed their ¨progression¨ and funny memes.

There was some back and forth game day ready memes, and he sophomores and juniors had some especially competitive beef over social media about who was going to win.

The freshman played the seniors in the first round of the competition. Seniors came out on top, and stepped up, although it was a close score in the beginning.

Freshman Lexi Federer said, ¨We still felt good about ourselves because we still scored on the seniors and juniors did not. Seniors were good.¨

Sophomores made a dramatic entrance, thinking they were gonna crush the juniors, but it did not go the sophomores' way.

Sophomore Meah Potts says “I think it was disappointing because we all thought we would win and the juniors were kinda immature about everything, but it was fun.”

The sophomores were defeated by the juniors 22-0.

After the first two games, it was the juniors and the seniors in the championship.

The seniors dominated the first half with a score or 16-0.

They carried this momentum and finished with a shutout win 22-0 win over the juniors.

Junior Sophia Decastro said, “ I am glad that we won at least one game because we worked hard at practice, but I am glad the seniors won because it is their last season.”

Many participants shared that this Powder Puff game was one of the most competitive yet.