Aerospace Club reaches new heights

Isaiah Schutt, Class of '25

Winter 2022 Issue

Aerospace club focuses on model rockets, building and launching them. The club meets on every other Wednesday starting at 2:30 after school. The students said it is a really laid back environment.

   “Usually we’re just sitting here. We’re building and usually we have a couple days where we build, and then we usually have a day where we then do the project,” Garret Hartsook said.

   Hartsook added, “The first thing we did is we kind of just shot rockets off and that was just really fun. It was kinda fun to just watch it go.”

   Rylee Smedley said, “We would start out going over the designs. Then, we would independently work, or work with a partner, and then on the test day we would all gather around outside or in a contained area where we can test our stuff.”

   The club members all enjoy different aspects of the club, specifically its social atmosphere and collaborative problem-solving.

   Hartsook enjoys the club’s culture: “Not even the project itself is the best part, but just kind of everybody working in tandem, you know?” He added, “It’s just kind of nice to communicate while we’re building rockets, or we’re doing these foam gliders we’re currently doing.” 

   “Mainly the people” are Smedley’s favorite aspect as well. He explained, “Because we’re all friendly here and we all make fun of each other, friendly, when our designs fail.”

   “My favorite is when we build stuff and we’re actually getting to make things,” club founder and leader Conner Wolfe shared. 

   Wolfe said that the club can build on the knowledge of the students who attend and that it’s a good experience.

   “I would love to go into engineering of some sort, or astronomy, probably related to aerospace and I think this could be a good experience,” Wolfe said.

   “I’d say show up to a meeting and see if you’d like to [join]. I think there is something for everybody who would like to come,” Wolfe added.