Global Scholars

Take a Trip with Global Scholars

Ali Del Vesco & Addison Dickerson

Enticing young minds seeking a widened global perspective, the Global Scholars program connects students with vital global issues, problems, and concerns.

“Global Scholars is a club that you can join your sophomore year,” Club Adviser Mrs. Seketa explained. “It is to help students learn more about global cultures and global citizenship and it helps you get experience with cultures outside of the Sunbury bubble."

In order to achieve these lessons learned In Global Scholars, students go on multiple field trips to discover different cultural experiences.

Field trips are a hands-on way to go beyond the classroom and learn about Global cultures and incidents.

Junior Zoie Shaw shared, “We will typically go through stations about all the global issues and the global impacts.”

Shaw explained that students can converse with people from different cultures to ask questions and find answers from real people, not the internet.

“After hearing the struggles from other cultures, you become more passionate,” Shaw reflected.

Global Scholars can also be beneficial to students’ futur e success. Mrs. Seketa explained that there is a $19,000 scholarship that is offered through Otterbein College if all three years of the program have been completed.

Even if Otterbein isn't the college of a student’s choice, other schools still like to see Global Scholars on your transcript.

“It builds a lot of skills that you wouldn't get otherwise. It builds a lot of global skills, like learning about other cultures, being able to work with people who are different from you, and building social skills,” said Mrs. Seketa.