What's education is required in California?

The California Healthy Youth Act (CHYA), adopted in January 2016, outlines the requirements for sexual health education in public schools. Key points include:



What is AMAZE?

AMAZE.org is an initiative that provides comprehensive, age-appropriate, and medically-accurate sexual health videos for adolescents ages 10-14, along with resources for educators and parents. As of July 2020 our videos have received over 40 million views on our YouTube channel since AMAZE.org was launched in September of 2016. AMAZE videos have been translated/adapted in more than 23 countries.


AMAZE envisions a world that recognizes child and adolescent sexual development as natural and healthy, a world in which young people everywhere are supported and affirmed and the adults in their lives communicate openly and honestly with them about puberty, reproduction, relationships, sex and sexuality. In such a world, young people across the globe would have access to the information and support they need to develop into sexually healthy adults.


AMAZE harnesses the power of digital media to provide young adolescents around the globe with medically accurate, age-appropriate, affirming, and honest sex education they can access directly online—regardless of where they live or what school they attend.

AMAZE also strives to assist adults—parents, guardians, educators and health care providers around the globe—to communicate effectively and honestly about sex and sexuality with the children and adolescents in their lives.


AMAZE leverages the expertise of master sexuality educators, the creativity of animation professionals, the input of young people, and the power of the internet to create and market:


Thirty-five years of public health research clearly demonstrates that young people who receive honest, age-appropriate, non-judgmental information about puberty, relationships and sexual health are more likely to delay sexual initiation when they are young and to use condoms and other contraceptive methods when they do become sexually active. Further, quality sex education can help young people successfully navigate puberty, learn about healthy body image, distinguish between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and understand the concepts of consent and mutual respect. For more information about the power of providing youth with quality sex education check out the links below.

How can AMAZE support parents?

AMAZE is a free resource to help you talk to your kids about everything from babies to bodies to gender to consent to relationships. Per the AMAZE website: 

"You know that talking with your kids about sex and growing up is important, but it’s tempting to put it off. The reality is that these conversations can’t wait. AMAZE videos are here to help you break the ice and start these critical conversations so that your kids get the accurate information they need."

Check out the AMAZE Video Topics. Each link brings you directly to more parent information for that video, such as conversation starters, related videos, books and websites you can use. Click on our new Having the Talks feature to see videos by educators about having the talks!

To help you as a parent, they have also created My Amaze. Use it to share specific videos or groups of videos with your children on a protected page, so you get to curate the videos your child sees, without your child having access to the rest of the AMAZE website. After registration, come back anytime and login to view your personalized page. See whether each video has been watched, edit your video list, share content or add new content.

What age are AMAZE videos intended for?

AMAZE strives to be the go-to resource for information on topics related to a young person’s growth and development.

All videos go through a thorough review process by AMAZE staff, AMAZE’s International Content Review Committee, and other subject matter experts and partners. AMAZE staff and International Content Committee are individuals who have experience in public health, educational theory, adolescent development, age and developmentally-appropriate sex education and health education. All content is aligned with the National Sex Education Standards and International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education.

AMAZE understands that all young people develop at various ages throughout their adolescence. AMAZE believes that regardless of where a young person lives or goes to school, all young people need access to this information so they can make informed decisions to safeguard their health and well-being now and into the future.

AMAZE supports and empowers parents, caregivers, educators, and other trusted adults with the autonomy to view and select videos that they deem appropriate for their young person’s personal growth and development. For additional resources on how to utilize AMAZE videos with young people, visit AMAZE Educators and AMAZE Parents for playlists, lesson plans, toolkits, or look for the school bus icon that are classroom favorites. For more information on what ages to start talking to a young person about sexuality, check out the resource guide from Talking with Your Kids.

How does AMAZE determine which topics to cover in its videos?

The AMAZE team includes experts in sexuality education, youth sexual development and parent-child communication that work with animators to develop each video. Video topics are designed to meet the learning objectives outlined in the National Sexuality Education Standards. These Standards first published in the Journal of Adolescent Health in 2011, provide guidance to schools regarding the information and skills students need to learn in each grade level, kindergarten through 12th grade.

To supplement this list, the AMAZE team is in regular contact with classroom educators, parents and members of its youth advisory board to explore new topics to tackle. Finally, viewers engaged on AMAZE’s YouTube channel often request video topics that resonate with them and their peers. The AMAZE team strives to prioritize requests from these viewers. If you have a topic you’d like us to cover, contact AMAZE At info@amaze.org. 



This video features a scenario of a young person figuring out who they are in terms of style, clothes and crushes. It emphasizes being yourself rather than trying to be someone else.

This video goes through the physical, emotional, and social changes of puberty for people with a vulva. It addresses common changes like hair growth, getting a period, mood swings, new sexual feelings and hygiene as young people are on their way to becoming an adult.

This video talks to youth about how they can take care of their body during puberty, a time when their hormones are quickly changing, causing them to experience some new physical changes such as body odor, acne and hair growth.

Here are a few basic body care tips to help you navigate through puberty! We cover skin care routines, hygiene tips, physical changes, and more.

This video lists 10 signs of male puberty, including hair growing in new places, body sweat starting to smell, genitals growing, spontaneous erections, wet dreams, masturbation, growing “man boobs,” and acne.

This video goes over the external and internal parts of biological male anatomy. It also defines an erection, semen, scrotum, and testicles. The video explains the difference between a circumcised and uncircumcised penis, how urine and semen travel through the urethra, and the inner workings of ejaculation.

This video uses a musical number to explain the concept of body odor (B.O). It also explains the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant and lists a few things you can do to prevent B.O. such as shower/bathe every day, wash and change clothes often, or use deodorant/antiperspirant. 

This video goes over the external and internal parts of biological female anatomy. It also defines the vulva, urethra, vagina, and anus, specifying the difference between the vulva and the vagina. The video defines ovaries and briefly explains the internal process of menstruation.

This video explains that the pituitary gland releases hormones as you transition into puberty. It includes the definition of hormones, breast buds, and periods. The video goes over the physical changes of puberty, such as breast development, pubic hair growth, changes in hygiene, and acne. It advises young people to keep yourself clean, eat healthy, and work off excess stress with exercise to navigate puberty.


This video defines menstruation and describes the biological process. It goes through the typical length of a period, light flow vs. heavy flow, and defines and lists the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). The video mentions referring to periods in code such as “that time of the month.” It also goes over the reasons for menstrual cramps during periods and ways to relieve the pain.

This video explains the process of menstruation, or getting your period. It defines the endometrium, the length of a menstrual cycle, pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. The video also lists some ways to relieve cramps.

This video gives an overview of menstruation, or getting your period. It includes the internal process of menstruation, defines the endometrium, and introduces pads, tampons, and menstrual cups as ways to manage the blood flow of menstruation. The video also explains cramps and gives suggestions on how to manage pain.

This video explains the process of getting a period (menstruation), some common period symptoms and ways to manage them, and reviews disposable and reusable period products.

This video describes how to use tampons, pads, and menstrual cups during your period. It goes over how each item works, when to replace, and what inserting or applying each item entails, such as touching your vagina when inserting a menstrual cup. 

This video addresses different ways that people manage their menstrual flow or period. It explains what tampons, pads and menstrual cups are and how to use each of them. 


The internet is a great place for young people to do research for school, share pictures with friends, play video games or check out the latest trending videos. It’s important for young people to think critically while looking at pictures or videos online.

The internet is a great place for young people to do research for school, share pictures with friends, play video games or check out the latest trending videos. It’s important for young people to think critically while looking at pictures or videos online.

This video defines body image and gives an overview of changing body standards and media representation of certain bodies. It mentions that boys can feel self-conscious about body image too, and lists a variety of factors that can influence your body image.


This video discusses how puberty and hormones can affect a person’s mental health. It also gives the signs of depression and anxiety. The video explains who to talk to when you or someone you know might be experiencing depression, anxiety, or another mental health issue. The video encourages young people to reach out to a trusted adult and reminds them that they are not alone.

This video defines the pituitary gland and explains the role of hormones in teen angst. It defines teen angst as intense feelings of inner conflict and emphasizes it as a normal part of transitioning from childhood to adulthood. The video also says that if depression occurs, youth should talk to an adult on how to manage it.

This video notes that feelings of hopelessness and sadness are normal, but if they persist longer than a week or two, this might be a sign of depression. It covers what to do if you feel this way, such as talk to a trusted adult. The video also defines anxiety disorders and its effects, suggesting talking to a trusted adult if youth are dealing with anxiety.


The examples discussed in this video clarify when playful teasing can cross the line into hurtful teasing, bullying, or harassment.

This video defines bullying and differentiates the types of bullying – active bullying (physical or verbal), passive bullying (making someone feel inferior or excluded), and cyber bullying (sending mean messages via text, email, or social media). The video goes over what to do if someone is bullying you or if you witness bullying, including saving the evidence of cyber bullying. It also includes how to support someone being bullied.

This video defines bullying as well as the different types of bullying (physical, verbal, cyber). It also emphasizes that anyone can exhibit bullying behavior – bullies want to feel powerful, in control, and are generally unhappy. The video encourages young people to support those being bullied or tell a trusted adult. 

This video encourages young people to support those being bullied or tell a trusted adult.

This video encourages young people to find an adult that they’re able to talk to about navigating situations that may arise during adolescence. Some young people may find it helpful to talk to a relative, but others prefer to talk to a teacher, coach, or friend’s parent. The video acknowledges that some adults aren’t good listeners, don’t always believe young people, or tell young people what to think. The video advises young people to find an adult that respects them enough to listen without judgment and to test out whether an adult would be a good fit to talk to, such as if the young person has heard them give good advice to others.

This video goes through the steps to conflict resolution, emphasizing that conflict resolution requires practice and effort from everyone involved.