Ms. Lucero's Class Website

Due to the the switch to online learning we will be moving platforms to Schoology. Please use your BVSD Single Sign On Portal to access Schoology.

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(720) 561-2337


This website is divided by subject area. See the links below or use navigation menu to get to classroom content.

Physical Science 🔬Biology 🧠Anatomy

I am Ms. Lucero, ​I have a passion for all natural sciences and sharing that love of discovery and logic with students. I was raised in Fort Collins, Colorado and went to Colorado State University to study Natural Sciences with a concentration in Biology Education. I also volunteered as a Science Olympiad coach in the Anatomy event for Fossil Ridge High School, volunteered with the College of Natural Sciences Educational Outreach Center, worked as an academic coach with Leading Learners, and worked as a undergraduate Teaching Assistant for the CSU physics department.

Besides my passion for science, I also love to bake, take care of plants, hike, and play flute and piccolo.

Ms. Lucero's Schedule

Period 1 - Physical Science (Room 2607)

Period 2 - Physical Science (Room 2607)

Period 3 - Plan (Office 2604)

Period 4 - Plan (Office 2604)

Period 5 - Plan (Office 2604)

Period 6 - Biology (Room 1507)

Period 7 - Anatomy and Physiology (Room 1507)

Period 8 - Biology (Room 1507)

The banner picture is a microscopic animal known as a water bear or tardigrade. They are my favorite animal because they are resilient in virtually any climate, including the harsh vacuum of space. Here is a great TedEd video explaining more about them!