AP Literature

Summer Reading 

Love. Reading. (Again)

I'm excited for you to join me on this book-based journey in AP Literature.  No doubt you must hold some love of reading, literature, and books to enroll in such a course; no doubt some of that love may have drifted away over the years...
For our first reading adventure together, I would love for you to keep your love of reading alive, or rekindle that relationship if it soured.  Browse the genres of vetted books that are sure to find a place in your heart.  
Now, more than ever, our world needs people who are readers--people who are not afraid to learn about themselves and about other.  Readers are people who realize that a book--no matter what genre--is a fearless study in humanity and proof that as humans, we have always been more alike than we have ever been different.  
Within the First Amendment is "freedom of the press" which gives you free access (libraries!) to all media, and all books, without restriction.  To be able to live in a country that fosters that right is a gift.  Be proud and grateful that you know how to read, and to know you can pick up any book that you want.  Read for yourself, for the betterment of others, and for all of those in the world who would love that right, but can not exercise it.  

Select ONE book from the AP Recommended Titles list, and please read our first whole-class novel, The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams.  Head to the ASSIGNMENT page when you're done for instructions on a creative connection to the texts.  
NOTE: These books are all fabulous.  Feel free to read more than two if the spirit moves you!  
Want to know what I'll be reading this summer?  Great!  So do I (ha)!  It always changes,  so check out my BOOK CAROUSEL on the CONTACT MRS. BAUM page often.