
October 23 - November 21

You’re great at setting boundaries, but you’re not the best at respecting the ones others have set. You might get a tad pushy when your crew isn't giving you enough attention. Taking a few minutes to respond to a text might not be a big deal to them, but it’ll seem like a lifetime to you and create conflict because you require an immediate answer. Try to give your friends a break and realize that they’re not purposely ignoring you. They could be busy at that moment, it's Senior Week after all — so don’t stress too hard about it. 


November 22 - December 21

All of your hard efforts are paying off. For the first time in a while, life is coming up Sagittarius. Still, don't get too sure of yourself right now. Remember that you must manifest your goals in order to bring them to fruition and that doesn’t happen overnight. For now, it’s best to reap the benefits of your hard work and be optimistic about the future. Luck is on your side, so those first nine weeks grades should be amazing if you put 100% of your energy into them.


December 22 - January 19

You’re torn between spending time with your family or your friends, since they're both yearning for your attention. You shouldn’t feel bad for doing what you want, but it’s important to keep in mind that you should give love to your family. They’ll be the ones who are always by your side, so don't take them for granted. You could incorporate both parties together and see how they mesh (fingers crossed). The struggle is real. Hopefully, you can work it out and find a middle ground. You're just too popular!


January 20 - February 18

Now that school is fully back in session, you're thinking about taking on more important roles and running for office in student organizations. It's not about power, rather the ability to make necessary changes at school. Since you're extremely politically minded and a humanitarian, this could be your chance to make your school a better place. Run with that platform to encourage your classmates to follow your lead.


February 19 - March 20

The weeks ahead urges you to step out of your comfort zone. This means that the stars want you to try something new and embrace a fresh attitude. Rather than fully taking on a different endeavor, you are currently opting to dip your toes in the water to bring forth transformation. Even if you choose to minimally veer from your regular daily routine by taking an offbeat road to BHS or try a new flavor of custard at Glen's, that's something. Also, when it comes to your life and decision making, this will serve as a tool to help you embrace change and growth.


March 21 - April 19

There is a thin line between love and disdain, and you're currently living right in the middle of it. You want to believe in the good of others, but it's only a matter of time before they let you down again — putting your love life on repeat like a broken record. You’ll have to ask yourself how much more heartache must you want to endure before ultimately deciding to let go and start anew. Lean on your friends for support. They’ll listen and remind you that you're not alone throughout this intense emotional breakup. And maximize AR time to take a break from everyone else and compose yourself.


April 20 - May 20

There have been so many ups and downs in your relationship, so you're waiting for the other shoe to drop now that you're having an upswing. Try to enjoy these moments as they last and don't worry about the future. It's crucial to remain present in order to feel the love and to remember the awesome elements of your partnership. 


May 21 - June 20

It’s been a long time since you’ve allowed yourself the gift of R&R. Your FOMO has you attending every activity and party. However, you currently need some time out from the social scene to avoid experiencing burnout. Rather than being everywhere, give yourself a chance to catch up on shuteye and treat yourself to self-care.  First period rolls around pretty early, so make sure to allow for at least 8 hours of sleep each night.


June 21 - July 22

You went to the Homecoming Dance as "just friends," but  you’re beginning to develop feelings, and you’re unsure whether or not the sentiment is mutual. Instead of going around the issue and asking friends to do a vibe check, do the dirty work yourself to avoid miscommunications from happening. Drop hints that you like them when asking about who they're crushing on. It won't be long until they confess their emotions — which could lead them towards wanting to elevate the relationship into something more while cuffing season is in full swing.


July 23 - August 22

Whenever you have news to tell, you immediately post it on social media. The issue is that some of your friends may be a little bit jealous because their life isn’t progressing in the same way as yours. That doesn’t mean you should hold back. If they have an issue and make a rude comment, understand that it’s more about the way they feel about themselves than about you. Respond with compassion and empathy to avoid an argument. Once things turn around for them, your squad will be more supportive and celebrate your wins. 


August 23 - September 22

We all carry our own personal baggage, but you scrutinize yourself over every little thing you feel that you’ve done wrong — even if you have not. You are not the one to blame in these situations. Since you are very forgiving and kind hearted, people tend to take advantage of your sweetness. Therefore, it’s important for you to realize that all of the emotions you’re carrying on your shoulder and in your heart are not your fault. Others are projecting their own insecurities onto you. Don’t let their moods affect the way you care for yourself. Be gentle with yourself.


September 23 - October 22

This past eclipse exposed a lot of secrets that you wish you hadn’t found out. Now that you’re in the know, you are unsure about whether you can forgive and forget. Before you go down the rabbit hole and analyze every element of your friendships, you must realize that you’re a relationship-oriented person and will most likely decide to work through the issues. In time, you’ll move forward, but you'll likely be dwelling on your problems until then. You’re allowed to have your moment.

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