Senior Parking Spaces

Seniors Chloe Walton and Nadia Nee enjoy the sunshine and paint their spaces.

Class of 2024 starts a new tradition

This year the seniors all prepared to paint their parking spaces before the start of the 2023-2024 school year! They came together using creative ideas to artistically showcase their personality in their spaces.  Senior Dylan McKallip exclaimed that he "rethought life" while painting his parking space due to the hot weather and frustrating circumstances while painting. It did take a long time to get the job done but Senior Chloe Walton said blasting Frank Ocean in the parking lot got her through the day. Both of these seniors are happy with their spaces and are excited to continue to park in them for the remainder of the school year. 

Andi Householder  "$250 later..."

Addy Rusek

Cassidy Ley

Johnny Lukac

Chantz Watkins 

Tegan Montgomery

Mike Ceraso

Ally Smola

All the following parking spots are painted to start this new tradition. Check them out next time you are in Lot A:

40 Nico Zanella

41 Reese Neal

42 Salena Mathis

43 Chantz Watkins

44 Johnny Lukac

45 Emma Conte

46 Logan Smail

47 Haley Swauger

48 Coulter Christie

49 Nathan Awes

50 Ryan Croushore

52 Morgan Swahn

53 Caroline Kelley

54 Catherine Scherer

55 Nadia Nee 

56 Chloe Walton

72 Cooper Hornack

73 Ally Smola

74 Dylan Mckallip

75 Taylor Dentzel

76 Nikyah Jones

77 Mike Ceraso

78 Leah Leslie

79 Andi Householder

80 Leah Capsambelis

87 Rory Pallone

88 Isabella Greenwald

89 Jessica Stull

90 Taber Driscoll

91 McKenna Rein

99 Lila Pileggi

100 Hadyn Herbulock

101 Buchak Brothers

103 Devin Beattie

104 Macklin Bennis

105 Tegan Montgomery

106 Gia Hornack

107 Cassidy Ley

108 Emily Roos

109 Adelynn Rusek

110 Lizzy Lagattuta

111 Madelynn Torrell

112 Sam Raybets

113 Tessa Mathabel

Writing and Photo Contributors: Nadia Nee & Chloe Walton