Freshmen Orientation

BHS welcomes the newest students to the halls

On Tuesday, August 22, orientation was held for the incoming Freshmen Class. The newest editions to the high school family were greeted by Student Government representatives, who gave up one of the last evenings of summer, to greet these students with smiles and warm welcomes.  The students were taken on a tour of the building, so they can learn the lay of the land before they embark on the confusing first day of school in a new building. Their parents and guardians were ushered to the auditorium for a meeting with Dr. Boylan and Mrs. Roland. After the tour, the students gathered in the gym for their first photo as high schoolers. The turn out was outstanding with only about 10 incoming freshmen not in attendance (we don't know an accurate count, but that is how many Chromebooks were left after distribution). After the picture, the freshmen were directed out to Junior Court to wait for their Chromebooks which were distributed in the library. It was a hot day, so everyone was anxious to get on their way once they received their Chromebook. The faculty, staff, and students of BHS welcome in the incoming Class of 2027! Good luck and have a great year!

Student Government Represents stand at the ready to greet the new Freshmen Class.

Freshmen gather in Junior Court waiting their turn to get their Chromebook.

To let off some steam after orientation, Student Government members built a tower of milk cartons left empty after the mass distribution of Freshmen Chromebooks.

Writing and Photography Contribution:  Mrs. Shaffer