Burrell School District Curriculum

Burrell School District believes that curriculum writing is an ongoing and reflective process that must be embedded within our educators’ professional learning. We collaboratively prioritize the non-negotiable knowledge, skills, and dispositions we want to ensure all students are learning that are aligned to the PA Core Standards and newly released STEELS (Science, Technology & Engineering, and Environmental Literacy & Sustainability) Standards for each of our courses. Our curriculum will continue to be updated as our teachers adjust their instruction to best meet our students' learning strengths and needs. (In accordance with BSD Policy 105 - Curriculum Development)

Dr. Autumn R. Turk

Director of Curriculum & Development, Co-Chair of Curriculum & Instruction Committee

Phone: (724) 334-1406 

Email: autumn.turk@burrell.k12.pa.us

Resources: Standards Aligned System (SAS)

Curriculum Frameworks:


PA Core Standards:




PA Roadmap: Focus on Effective Instruction:
