Additional Parent Resources

  • 211- Parents, 211 is a North Carolina Database of Community Resources. Should you find yourself in need of employment assistance, locating food pantries, locating homeless shelters, etc., you can dial 2-1-1. This line is free and confidential, and may be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can also visit for more information.

  • The following is a resource provided through The Outreach Center, called WOW (Wishes, Opportunities, Wonder). All children in the WOW Program are provided with nutrition classes, exercise events, and tutoring for school.

  • In addition to basic needs like food, clothing and school supplies, WOW provides art, music, cultural, and educational opportunities to enhance the children’s resilience, bring equality, offer hope, and help ensure a pathway out of poverty for the child.

  • Click here for a link to more information about the WOW program