Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

We welcome submission of 2-page abstracts on any topic related to accelerating robotics applications (e.g., computer vision, mapping, localization, motion planning, control, and end-to-end learning, for all robotics systems) using nontraditional computing hardware (e.g., ASICs, FPGAs, GPUs), as well as real-time, distributed, cloud, and edge computing systems that might be leveraged by robotics platforms. We especially encourage early work, and work-in-progress. Position papers and “wild and crazy ideas” papers are also welcome. Accepted authors will be invited to present a 2-minute single-slide lightning talk during the main program and a poster. Submissions are anonymous, so please remove author names and all identifying information from the submission.

Important Dates

Submission Instructions

All submissions should be PDFs that are 2 pages in length (not including references) in a single-spaced two-column format. We recommend you use a LaTeX conference template, such as the submission template for MICRO 2023 (see guidelines here). Submissions are anonymous, so please remove author names and all identifying information from the submission. If you have questions, please contact: roboarch-2023-chairs at googlegroups dot com 

Edit: Submission deadline has passed.

Program Committee

Sabrina M. Neuman, Boston University (Program Chair)

Brian Plancher, Barnard College, Columbia University

Radhika Ghosal, Harvard University

Jason Jabbour, Harvard University

Pravi Samaratunga, Boston University

Contact: roboarch-2023-chairs at googlegroups dot com