Robot Brains!

Designing Computing Systems for Robotics

Boston University - CAS - CS599N1 - Fall 2023

Course Description

Robots that can safely interact with people can help us in our everyday lives, with applications such as elder care and assistive technologies. Achieving this will require addressing critical challenges including real-time performance; limited power and energy budgets; and strict safety, security, and reliability guarantees. Good news: designing computing systems for robotics is a promising solution to this “moonshot” technological goal!

In this research seminar class, we will survey current work in the emerging subfield of computing systems for robotics. Students will read academic research papers, lead and participate in class discussions, complete short written response assignments, and collaborate in small groups on a final project. Depending on scope, it is possible that these projects might lead to future academic publications. Students from all backgrounds and disciplines are welcome and encouraged– diverse viewpoints and ideas are essential to the success of this fundamentally interdisciplinary new subfield.



Prerequisites: All are welcome, no background necessary. Recommended for undergraduates in their third or fourth year, and graduate students. Undergraduates in their first or second year may join with permission of the instructor. 

Schedule: TR 9:30 am-10:45 am, with Office Hours TBA

To Register:




Prof. Sabrina M. Neuman
Assistant Professor, Boston University CS