Beautiful Gardens' Club
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Thank you
Many thanks to the families who have been able to support our Beautiful Gardens' Club with donations of cuttings from home, purchases of plants and watering cans. The students are having a fantastic time, engaging themselves at lunch, learning about caring for the Earth and creating a beautiful environment whilst they are at it.
We even have students watering and helping out on any day, not just Wednesdays.
Any donations can be dropped at the office. You can email me ( if you have any questions, suggestions or comments.
Thanks to our 'sponsors'/donors
Leanne and Damien Clarke
Jones Family
Stevens Family
Mitchell Family
Comiskey Family
Spradbrow Family
Hunt Family
Johnson Family
Stevenson Family
PLANTS: Cuttings, runners, ground covers, bulbs, small shrubs etc etc etc
Adult shovel
Seedling protector/guards (just the green ones)
Wheelie bins
Happy Faces
This photo shows the happy faces of our gardeners with a growing butterfly shrub, one of the donated plants from last year.
Donations Needed. Please!
We would like more happy faces. The students would love to plant some cuttings, runner, ground spreaders, bulbs, flowers or the like and water them and take care of them. Are you able to donate a cutting or some plants for us? Maybe you could donate some mulch, or kids gloves, hand spades or ........... ?
Help make our gardens beautiful.
(Donations can be dropped off at the school office. Beautiful Gardens' club occurs each Monday.
Email Mr Chris Stevens for any queries: