Teacher Tech Training


Welcome to the teacher technology training site. In the site menu you will find training topics for the technologies we use as well as resources for SAMR model lessons. Below you will find explanations of the Big 6 as well as the SAMR model.

The SAMR model describes how instructional activities fall in terms of the their rigor and improvement of the classroom. Activities which only substitute or augment fall lower on the scale and typically involve simpler technology tasks. To implement these fundamental levels of technology integration, we developed the Big 6, or the primary technologies we will use to begin substituting and augmenting the classroom environment. As teachers develop a comfort and expertise in these technologies, we introduce them to other technologies, resources, and techniques which enhance instruction even further through the modification and redefinition of the tasks.

The Big 6 are the core technology tools that we leverage to train teachers in achieving a basic understanding of technology as well as to further improve their instruction by reaching higher levels of the SAMR model. Teachers are first introduced to basic concepts and then are provided resources, techniques, and training on how to extend their knowledge to modify and redefine tasks using these technologies.