Topics in Differential Geometry

Brown, University, Providence, RI

March 27-29, 2023

This workshop is designed for graduate students and postdocs who study problems in the area of differential geometry.  All are welcome but we especially encourage grad students and postdocs and funding will only be provided for individuals at these early career stages. Ample time will be given between talks to allow for meaningful discussion.

Confirmed Speakers

Aidan Backus - Brown
Letian Chen - Johns Hopkins
Ben Dees - Johns Hopkins
Conghan Dong - Stony Brook
Florian Johne - Columbia
Tang-Kai Lee - MIT
Max Lipton - Cornell
Jiewon Park - Yale
Emily Schaal - Stony Brook
Hunter Stufflebeam - UPenn
Yuchin Sun - Johns Hopkins
Xinrui Zhao - MIT
Jiahua Zou - Brown



8:30 - Breakfast, coffee and tea

9:15-10:05 - Jiewon Park

10:30-11:20 - Xinrui Zhao

11:45-12:35 - Ben Dees

Lunch break

2-2:50 - Florian Johne

3:15-4:05 - Jiahua Zou


8:30 - Breakfast, coffee and tea

9:15-10:05 - Tang-Kai Lee

10:30-11:20 - Yuchin Sun

11:45-12:35 - Max Lipton

Lunch break

2-2:50 - Aidan Backus

3:15-4:05 - Conghan Dong


8:30 - Breakfast, coffee and tea

9:15-10:05 - Letian Chen

10:30-11:20 - Emily Schaal

11:45-12:35 - Hunter Stufflebeam

Shuttle Service to and from Hotel:

The hotel will provide shuttles between the hotel and 151 Thayer Street

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings: 8:15, 8:30, and 8:45 AM (to Thayer St)

Monday and Tuesday afternoons: 4:15, 4:30, and 4:45 PM (to hotel)

Wednesday afternoon: 12:45, 1, 1:15 PM (to hotel)

Practical Information

COVID-19 Requirements: All visitors and guests must comply with Brown's current COVID-19 guidelines, which can be found on the University’s COVID-19 Community Response page.

Hotel Accommodations: We have reserved a block of rooms at Hampton Inn and Suites at a rate of about $150/night. To get that rate, you must request a reservation during the registration process. Our conference administrator, Lori Nascimento, will book you the room and reach out to you with the appropriate details. If you choose to make other plans, please note the potential cap on reimbursements outlined below.

We expect to have a few shuttles to and from the conference each morning and afternoon. It's not a long walk, but weather can be surprising in Providence in March!

Transportation: Other than driving, there are several ways to come to campus.


Reimbursement: We expect to be able to cover about $500-$600 in hotel and travel costs for all participants requesting reimbursement. If more funds become available, we will distribute them evenly among those requesting reimbursements.

If you state in the registration form that you will be requesting reimbursement, you will be receiving an email from with instructions to complete a form that will enter you into our payment system.  After your travel is complete, please send all original, itemized receipts to the conference administrator, Lori Nascimento.

When making your travel arrangements please be aware that Brown will only reimburse payments for coach seating. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 60 days from the date of your trip. (Brown considers expense requests that are over 60 days to be income, which would be reported on your W-2 form.)

Due to IRS/Homeland Security requirements, Brown requires us to verify that foreign nationals have the appropriate visa to allow for travel reimbursement. Please click here for more information on what documentation you will need to provide in order to process your reimbursement.

Event supported by National Science Foundation CAREER grant DMS-1750254.