Spring Term

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine. We will study a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts relating to science-fiction and space. We will look further at understanding complex inference and deduction.

As writers, we will write a non-fiction report about the planets; a newspaper report and even an application to join NASA! We will continue to develop our understanding of poetry through writing a rhymed poem.

As mathematicians, we will learn about multiplication and division, including multiplying a 2 digit number by a 2 digit number, a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number, a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number and a 4 digit number by a 2 digit number. In division, we will focus on short division and dividing with a remainder. We will also learn about fractions, decimals as percentages, perimeter and area and statistics.

As scientists, we will learn about our Solar System and explain how we get different seasons and night and day. We will also learn about gravity and the effects of air resistance as well as how levers and pulleys work.

As geographers, we will learn about the world! We will build on our knowledge from previous years to deepen our understanding of the world we live in. Children will become familiar with lines of latitude and longitude, hemispheres, the Tropics and time zones. Children will develop from using four figure grid references when map reading to learn six-figure grid referencing.

As historians, we will be investigating aspects of life in our locality in the Georgian era.

As theologians, we will learn about Christian beliefs about human beings, how the bible teaches Christians to treat others and how this is expressed in practice. We will focus on the ways in which religious beliefs impact on individuals' decisions and actions.

As computer users, we will create an interactive quiz using Scratch, and we will build and program our own robots to achieve different tasks. Also, we will debug our programs, including specific selection and loop errors.

As artists, we will develop our colour mixing skills in paint by recreating the work of the artists Peter Thorpe (linked to the space theme) and Barrington Watson (linked to the Commonwealth work on Jamaica). We will also be introduced to pastels and begin to learn how to work with them and blend colours.

As responsible citizens, we learn about a range of different feelings and emotions and recognise that people respond differently to the same situation. We explore mental health and learn the correct words to use when talking about it. Also, we discover that adverts for food and drink can be misleading. We look at body image and how images of bodies can be changed by the media.

As musicians, we will explore music linked to space, both in performing and composing activities. We will consider structure, contrast in music and mood in combination. We will also explore music of the Caribbean, and look at styles including calypso and reggae.

As sports people, we will start to incorporate balance, rolls, jumps and apply them to sequence work both on and off the apparatus.

As linguists, we will write to Spanish children telling them about our likes and dislikes, including food and sport. We also discover where Spanish is spoken around the world.

As designers, we will build robots that can be programmed to carry out tasks. We will continue to evaluate our robots' performance and make improvements throughout.