Autumn Term

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine. We will study a variety of myths and legends relating to ancient Greeks. We will read about important Greek events such as the siege of Troy, the birth of democracy and the modern geography of Greece.

As writers, we will write our own Greek myth, and a recount of the siege of Troy. We will also write a biography related to our class mascot, as well as an explanation.

As mathematicians, we will learn about place value to 1,000,000 and we will round to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000. We will also learn about the power of 10. In addition and subtraction, we will work with numbers greater than 4 digits and use rounding to check. We will focus on calculating multi-step problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also learn about common multiples, common factors, prime numbers, square and cube numbers. In fractions we will learn about equivalents in unit and non-unit fractions, improper fractions and fractions less than 1. We will also learn how to add and subtract fractions.

As scientists, we will compare and group everyday materials based on their properties and use our knowledge to decide how mixtures can be separated. We will also look how some materials can change state and if these changes are permanent or reversible.

As geographers, we will be learning about the continents of South and North America. We will use maps, atlases and digital mapping to deepen our understanding of these continents and then learn in depth about the country of Brazil. Children will learn what is meant by trade and trade links and understand how natural resources are distributed in and out of Brazil.

As historians, we will be learning about the ancient civilisation - Ancient Greece.

As theologians, we will learn about Hindu beliefs about human beings, their relationship to Brahman and to each other. We will focus on the ways in which religious beliefs impact on individuals' decisions and actions. We will learn about Muslim beliefs about being human building on learning from KS1, and Hindu beliefs about being human from the previous term. We will focus on the ways in which religious beliefs impact on individuals’ decisions and actions

As computer users, we will know how and when to use different systems for reporting inappropriate content or behaviour online. We will also learn about Copyright and understand why it is important. Whilst online, we will know how searches work, and how to do them using keywords.

As artists we will create pieces of work linked with our study of the Ancient Greeks. This will include printing Greek pottery, using our clay knowledge to make 3D pieces of Greek inspired pots and also developing our sketching skills by learning about the proportions of the human body, linking this to Greek soldiers.

As responsible citizens, we learn how to recognise healthy and unhealthy relationships. We will explore the effects of puberty on our body, mood and feelings. Also, we learn about discrimination and prejudice, and how stereotyping can influence our aspirations. In addition, we explore different ways to stay safe online and learn about the concept of fake news.

As musicians, we will explore music linked to Ancient Greece. We will learn about modes, scales and arpeggios. We will listen to music by Classical composers such as Mozart. We will extend our knowledge of notation and signs and symbols used in music through our recorder work and will start to develop an understanding of styles and genres.

As sports people, we will be creating and performing dances using a range of movement patterns. We will also be learning the importance of positional discipline in a team based game.

As linguists, we continue to learn even greater numbers as well as telling the time.

As designers, we will create prototypes of parts of flowers and from this create our own textile flower. We will evaluate and improve throughout the process.