Summer Term

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine, as well as a range of fictional and non-fictional texts relating to Roman Britain and Sikhism.

As writers, we will write a historical narrative, a non-chronological report, a diary entry and poem linked to the term's themes.

As mathematicians, we will learn about fractions, money and time in measurements, shapes in geometry and statistics.

As scientists, we will compare different types of rocks and learn how fossils are formed, as well as what the different parts of a plant are used for and the lifecycle of different plants.

As geographers, we will study Europe and understand that we are part of the continent of Europe as well as many other countries. We will use atlases and maps to name and locate countries of Europe and understand what is meant by topography, finding key topographical features of those European countries.

As historians, we will be learning about the Romans and why they were so successful in building an empire.

As theologians, we will investigate a ‘Big Question’. What does it mean to live a good life? What is good?

We will look at this through a range of perspectives. Jewish, Christian, Islam, Hindu, and Humanism

As computer users, we will write an algorithm to move a car around a track on Scratch. Also, we will debug any control errors.

As artists, we will be using our skills in paint, sewing, and printing to create pieces of artwork linked to Roman Britain. We will also be looking at the work of Mondrian and Georgia O’Keeffe and apply their styles and techniques to our own work.

As responsible citizens, we wil learn about different jobs and the skills needed to perform them. We will explore the differences between safe and unsafe drugs and how to take medicines safely.

As musicians, we will explore music that reflects different countries by famous composers. We will listen to music that helps to tell a story, and will create our own pieces using symbols and pictures as prompts. We will start to think about structure in the music we perform and create.

As sports people, we will be starting to understand the importance of a P.B and we will work on overarm throwing for distance.

As linguists, this term we will use the Spanish versions of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Dear Zoo’ books to help extend our learning and vocabulary.

As designers, we will continue our explorations of different mechanisms such as levers, pivots and linkages to create a moving arm. We will make a moving arm and assess the product during the entire process and finally explain if the mechanisms worked well on the final product.