Autumn Term

As readers, we will use a variety of texts from the school reading spine, as well as texts to support the learning of Sikhism and the human body.

As writers, we will write a non-chronological report and a recount. We will also write a descriptive narrative and continue to develop our knowledge of poetic genres.

As mathematicians, we will continue to practise and increase our fluency in the areas we have previously learnt in Key Stage One. We will learn about place value to 1,000 and this will include addition and subtraction within 1,000. We will learn about multiplication and division, focussing on the 3, 4 and 8 x tables and will learn about multiples of 2,5 and 10.

As scientists, we learn how animals including humans need food and nutrition and how some animals need skeletons and muscles.

As geographers, we will build on previous years of learning and take a closer look at Broughton and how the town has developed and changed over time. We will take a walk around the local area and devise accurate sketch maps and graphs from data we collect as a class.

As theologians, we will learn about Hinduism and what Hindus believe. We will begin to learn about the Brahman life force and the samsara flow to the cycle of birth, life and death. We will explore the Hindu belief in a soul and how a person's actions affect this. We will also look at the symbols of Hinduism.

We will learn about the Muslim belief in God through Special Rights and Special responsibilities, the Shahadah statement of faith, justice and fairness, fasting and Ramamdam, the hajj pilgrimage and the role of human beings as servants.

As computer users, we will understand why it is important to use nicknames online and know how to make a strong password. Also, we will learn what to do if I, or someone I know, is cyber-bullied. We will use different ways to access different web pages.

As artists, we will develop our skills in mixing paint to produce secondary and tertiary colours. We will also learn how to mix shades of different colours and introduce patterning, which we will apply to our work to add interest, shade and tone. We will learn how to use dipping ink. We will implement our patterning skills to show light and shade.

As responsible citizens, we will learn about how our bodies and relationships have changed. We will learn about different types of bullying and discover how we are similar and different to each other. Also, we will look at how to keep safe at home; out and about; and online.

As musicians, we will explore traditional music of the British Isles and folk music. We will learn about the elements of music, and be able to discuss aspects of music including pitch, dynamics, tempo and articulation. We will start to learn to play the descant recorder. We will learn to recognise a range of orchestral instruments.

As sports people, we will start to learn the Chinese morning routine. Outside we will be learning the rules and regulations of ultimate dodgeball and jedi dodgeball.

As linguists, we will begin to learn about Spain and the language spoken there. In this term we will learn greetings, numbers, days and months of the year to help us start our learning journey.

As designers, we will design our own bread. We will taste other breads, create a design, make our final product and finally discuss how we would improve it.