Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

We have outdoor P.E. on a Monday and indoor P.E. on a Tuesday. We like children to bring in their full kits at the beginning of the week in case there are any changes to the timetable.

Homework is handed out on a Friday and needs to be returned to school on the Wednesday of the following week.

As part of our work on food and farming in the Summer Term, we visit Normanby Hall. Here we explore the gardens and learn all about seeds and planting. We also get the opportunity to look at farming in the past and the types of machinery that would have been used. Of course the picnic lunch is always the most exciting bit!

Our resident artist is Kate from Gateway to Nature. Kate teaches us how to make our own Christmas wreaths from willow. This also gives us the opportunity to learn about the history of willow wreaths and other significant symbols of Christmas.

A typical day in the week looks like:

Children will arrive at school at 8.45am and complete some morning work until registration.

09:00 09:30 Daily phonics or spelling.

09:30 – 10:30 English

10:30 10:45 Break

10:45 11:45 Maths

11:45 12:45 Lunch

Afternoon register

12:55 – 13:30 Guided reading

13:30 – 15:10 Topic

15:10 – 15:30 Assembly

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Our Curriculum