Summer Term

As readers, we will continue to develop our phonic knowledge through daily Read Write Inc. sessions whilst also undertaking group guided reading. Through guided reading, we will enjoy sharing, and discussing, a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children will develop improved fluency and the ability to summarise what they have read. They will learn to make sensible predictions, read beyond the text, and answer a range of questions appropriate to the book they are reading. We will continue to share high quality texts from the school reading spine as a class.

As writers, we will learn to write a greater variety of genres, including non-fiction. We will become more familiar with a wider range of grammatical concepts, such as singular, plural and suffixes. We will continue to improve the accuracy of our punctuation and sentence structure. The inspiration for writing this term comes from a range of high-quality texts related to the seaside.

As mathematicians, we will learn about multiplication and division. We will also learn about fractions, focussing on halves and quarters. In geometry, we will learn about position and direction and in number, we learn about place value within 100. In measurement, we will learn about money and time.

As scientists, we will continue to observe the changes across the seasons and identify and group everyday materials and their properties.

As geographers, we will learn about the seaside and understand how seaside areas have similar and different human and physical geography to where we live. Children will use aerial photographs to recognise landmarks at the seaside.

As historians, we will be learning to compare the seaside in the past and the present.

As theologians, we will learn about different places of worship for different faiths. We will explore how they are linked to each faith's beliefs and how people live their lives.

As computer users, we will create our own digital book by adding text and adding pictures that we have taken.

As artists, we will be learning how to use clay effectively, experimenting with different techniques. We will learn how to make a printed piece of work, following in the style of artist, Nicole Pascoe. We will have a visit from an illustrator, showing us how we can recreate seaside creatures using recycled waste materials.

As citizens, in PSHE, we will learn about relationships and behaviour, bullying, taking responsibility for things and exploitation. We will learn about money and careers and keeping safe in the sun.

As musicians, we will sing songs about the seaside, and will compose music to describe an underwater scene. We will learn about melody, movement and phrases.

As sports people, we will start to learn lots of new athletics races and get ready to perform them on a sports day.

As designers, we will discuss the importance of taste, texture, colour and availability of food and through this we will work in teams to design, create and evaluate a picnic dish.