Autumn Term

As readers, we will continue to develop our phonic knowledge through daily Read Write Inc. sessions whilst also undertaking group guided reading. Through guided reading, we will enjoy sharing, and discussing, a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Children will develop improved fluency and the ability to summarise what they have read. They will learn to make sensible predictions, read beyond the text, and answer a range of questions appropriate to the book they are reading. We will continue to share high quality texts from the school reading spine as a class.

As writers, we continue to develop our confidence to write independently using the phonics sounds we have learnt so far. We will focus specifically on what a simple sentence needs to include: a capital letter at the beginning, clear finger gaps and a full stop at the end. The inspiration for writing this term is a range of high-quality texts related to superheroes. Throughout this term we will look at common spelling patterns, the Year 1 Common Exception Words, the days of the week and simple punctuation.

As mathematicians, we will consolidate place value within 10 and develop our addition and subtraction skills within 10. In geometry we learn to recognise 2d and 3d shapes.

As scientists, we will be observing the changes across the season including the weather and the length of days. We will also identify the basic parts of the human body and its senses, as well as identify common animals.

As geographers, we will use geographical fieldwork skills such as map making, devising a key and using symbols to show where things are clearly on a map of our classroom and surrounding areas within the school grounds. This will help us to better understand our surroundings and help to develop our observational skills.

As historians, we will be learning about a significant individual - Florence Nightingale.

As theologians we will learn about Christians and what they believe and will explore their belief in God and the story of creation. We will learn how Christians believe Jesus came to work with human beings to help them fix something and about the stories he told to help teach Christians how to do this. We will also learn about the Christian community, the importance of the church building and ceremonies and special celebrations that happen their.

As computer users, we will understand what the Internet is used for, who to tell if we have a problem online, and what the Internet and other computing technology can be used for.

As artists, we will explore mixing paints to make new colours and refine our motor skills when using a paintbrush. We will use pencil to make marks of different strengths (light/dark) and begin to work with clay learning how to manipulate and mark the clay.

As citizens, in PSHE, we will learn about our emotions and feelings, our bodies and keeping them safe, and keeping safe on the internet.

As musicians, we will explore a range of songs linking to harvest, jobs and heroes. We will learn to name classroom percussion, and will listen to pieces that contain contrasting elements of music, such as tempo, dynamics or pitch.

As sports people, we will be developing movements to percussion and making our own music. Outside we will be further developing our ABC skillset.

As designers, we will explore textiles and create a textile tree. We will examine different textiles and based on their properties, create a design and a prototype. We will then make our final product and discuss if we would change anything for next time.