Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Transition From Reception To Year 1

Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had during their time in Reception. In order to meet the needs of the children, we will continue to provide opportunities for continuous provision, moving towards a more structured approach as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries/questions, it is important to us that both you, and your child, are happy.

Reading In Year 1

Your child will read in a guided reading group once a week, with readers of a similar ability, and fluency. During this session your child will read, discuss and be asked questions to enhance their comprehension skills. Your child will also be given a book to read at home. A new book will be given to your child each Tuesday and will need to be returned the following Monday. It is extremely important that you make time to read this book with your child at home. Children receive reward points for reading and are entered into a draw giving them the opportunity to win a book to the value of £5. Please ensure your child has their reading book and record at school every day as any opportunity to do additional reading will be taken.

Sharing Experiences From Home

Children often enjoy telling us about what they have been doing at home. If your child wishes to share news with the class, then we ask that they bring something with them to help them present. This may be a souvenir, ticket, brochure or better still a picture/some writing that they have produced about their experience. Likewise, if your child makes something at home relating to our topic, or that they are particularly proud of then that too can be brought in and shared. We do however ask that under no circumstances are toys brought into school!

General Reminders

  • Year 1 do PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday with Mr McCarron. Your child will need to bring both an indoor and outdoor PE kit each Tuesday and will bring this home with them on a Thursday to be washed. Their indoor kit should comprise of black shorts and a white t-shirt. For outdoor PE they require warmer clothing to include jogging bottoms, a hoody or similar jumper and some suitable footwear e.g. trainers. Please ensure that your child’s clothes/shoes are labelled clearly.

  • Children are to keep their earrings covered during PE. Please can any piercings be removed at home on PE days or alternatively covered with tape or plasters.

  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and is to be returned no later than Tuesday. We do ask that you please take the time to support your child with the tasks set as these will complement the work we are doing in school.

  • The children will continue to use their own water bottle which they can access throughout the day. Replacement bottles can be purchased through ParentPay.

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Our Curriculum