Summer Term

Down At The Bottom Of The Garden & Brilliant Buildings

This learning overview provides an insight into the children’s learning experiences at the end of their Reception Year. The learning opportunities will also continue to be enhanced as children build up their own unique experiences and share ideas with their friends, as is the ethos of the EYFS. Through the continuous provision, children are given lots of opportunities for child-initiated investigation and play. This approach allows children to discover and test new things independently, consolidate new learning and gain a deeper understanding. This approach, we believe, helps them to become more independent through the Characteristics of Effective Learning that we are promoting: Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creative and Thinking Critically

Possible Lines Of Enquiry

Lifecycles – tadpoles, chicks, seeds

Spring Superheroes


Forest School



Religious Buildings


Building Relationships – Transition

Possible Wow Days

Our school trip – Normanby Hall : Minibeasts

Bug Hunting

Allotment Visit or Visitor

Visit from chicken/chick owner

Religious buildings

Local Bridges

Transition visit to new class


School values of the term are: I can be resilient and I can be respectful

Show and Tell

Moving Up and On - How we feel about our next steps into Year1.


Our Special Things

Our Beautiful World

My Senses

Our Special Places

My Friends


Set2/3 sounds in groups

Reading/Writing Red words

Continue to develop extended writing opportunities as Spring Term.


Numbers to 20 and beyond

Spatial Reasoning

Adding more

Take away

Compose and decompose


Sharing and grouping

Even and odd

Visualise and build

Patterns and relationships

Spatial Mapping



As sports people, we will be participating in a variety of track and field events and working in a competitive environment. We will focus on running in an individual track and staying in our own lane. In addition, we will explore the basic skills of striking a ball and improving on our hand-eye coordination. We will focus on how to hold a cricket bat correctly and standing with the correct stance.


As musicians, we will sing songs and make up our own music about the sea. We will respond to music through movement and think about how it makes us feel. We will explore patterns in music.