Autumn Term

This Is Me!

This learning overview provides an insight into the children’s learning experiences at the start of their Reception Year. The learning opportunities will also continue to be enhanced as children build up their own unique experiences and share ideas with their friends, as is the ethos of the EYFS. Through the continuous provision, children are given lots of opportunities for child-initiated investigation and play. This approach allows children to discover and test new things independently, consolidate new learning and gain a deeper understanding. This approach, we believe, helps them to become more independent through the Characteristics of Effective Learning that we are promoting: Playing and Exploring, Active Learning, Creative and Thinking Critically

Possible Lines Of Enquiry

Are we all the same?

Self – portraits


Inside our bodies

Keeping Healthy




Bonfire Night



Possible Wow Days

“This is Me” day (favourite clothes, books, food, toys etc.)

Visit by school nurse/doctor/dentist

Trip to the park

Planning and holding a party for Broughton Bear

A Christening at the church.

Parents Stay and Play

Christmas Party


School value of the term is: I can be confident

Begin Circle Time

School rules and routines

Getting to know each other and our names

Who we are and our families


Special Times for Me and Others

Our Special Books

Our Special Things

My Friends


Rhyming & Alliteration

Name recognition

Character names from ORT books

Initial Sounds

Learn Set 1 Sounds

Practise Fred talking and word building

Reading simple words and sentences in our story books

Reading Set 1 high frequency words

Practising pre-writing skills e.g lines and circles

Learning to write our names and the Set 1 sounds

Writing simple CVC words

Opportunities to write in the provision and linked to our theme, e.g. lists, cards, invites, labels.


Sorting and matching objects in pairs and groups

Comparing Amounts

Comparing size, mass and capacity

Making simple patterns

Representing, comparing and the composition of 1,2 and 3

Circles and triangles

Positional Language

Representing, comparing and the composition of 4 and 5

One more and one less

Shapes with four sides


As sports people, we will explore the basic skills of rolling, controlling, dribbling, kicking, throwing and catching a ball and use these skills in some invasion games. To develop our movement skills, we will explore a variety of ways of travelling and focus on spatial awareness. We will balance on a variety of body parts and use body control to stimulate movement to percussion instruments.


As musicians, we will learn to sing in a group. We will learn to use actions to help us perform and feel music. We will learn about keeping the beat. We will explore music that links to the changing seasons and celebrations.