
Brooklyn Alliance Church of C&MA

最近教會活動 / upcoming events

🚏🎺恆常小組/團契聚會請到相應小組/團契網頁查看 / For regular small group/fellowship meeting information, please go to relevant webpages for more details. 

10/6/2024: The English side will start a “Youth Bible Club” in October after every Sunday service. Welcome all student from middle school to college. 英文會眾於十月開始一個「青少年讀組俱樂部」,歡迎初中、高中及大學生參加。

Starting from 9/15/2024: There will be a small group for young adults every Friday night from 6 to 8 pm. Dinner will be included. Welcome all young adults. 9/15開始,每週五晚上6點到8點舉行的大學及職青小組,活動將包括晚餐,歡迎青年參加。 

10/2024-11/20/2024: "聖誕禮物行動"又開始了,盼望弟兄姊妹能藉著所預備的禮物,與外國及本國的貧窮家庭朋友和孤兒分享主愛。教會將收集所有的鞋盒送到收集處,請把用鞋盒或膠盒裝好的禮物,連同$10郵費在11/10前交給陳黃錦鳳姊妹。同時亦可以付$25(包括郵費)由機構為閣下預備裝了禮物的鞋盒。讓我們付出愛心和禱告給這些有需要的家庭。Christmas Shoe Box started. Pray that brothers and sisters use the gifts to share God's love with the under privileged children overseas and in our country. BAC will collect all shoe boxes and bring them to the collection site. Please use shoe box or plastic box to fill your gifts, add $10/box for postage and give them to Joanna by 11/10. Alternatively you can give $25 (postage included), the organization, Samaritan's Purse, will prepare a gift box for you. Let us give our love and prayers to these families who need the help.

11/9/2024: 11月9日(星期六)將舉行街頭佈道,請把握向本區居民傳福音的機會。早上十時在教會集合,請積極參與;如不能參與街頭佈道,亦請為佈道事工祈禱,並且自行拿取報紙或中信月刊送給親友或鄰舍。如有查詢,請聯絡余穎熙弟兄。

11/24/2024: 11月24日將舉行感恩節主日及感恩聚餐,請預備感恩見證及一家一餸與弟兄姊妹分享。請向翁常秀姊妹登記出席人數及會準備的菜式。We will have Thanksgiving Sunday Dinner Gathering. Please prepare your testimony and a dish to share with brothers and sisters. For registration, please contact Amy Yung.

11/2024: 十一月份的電子版《真理報》已出版,請登入紐約短宣中心網頁https://nystm.org/nytm1124/ 閱讀;電子版《號角》可登入http://us.cchc-herald.org/herald- monthly-issues/2024-11閱讀,並與親友分享。

12/26-29/2024: 全球華人宣教大會 (CMC) 將於 2024 年 12 月 26 日至 29 日在馬里蘭州巴爾的摩舉行。今年的主題是「同為使者 同擔使命」。入場費約300美元+住宿費。差傳部鼓勵兄弟姊妹參加,並為參加的人提供 50美元的資助。有心志參與的,請向伍伯賢傳道報名。

10/28-12/29中神「生命之道」網上課程將推出「《路加福音》(普通話),於1028()12 29()上課,共8。已經接受報名,925()截止 

1/2-1/17: 明年12日至17日將舉行智利短宣,期間會協助當地華人宣道會合辦夏令營。請禱告求問神的心意,並按聖靈的感動報名參加。有心志參與的,請向林倫文珊姊妹報名,1020日截止。



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