photo credit: © Amgueddfa Cymru

Using the Blog Archive to Engage with MPSM

The original aim of the blog was to become a one-stop shop for resources relating to the My Primary School is at the Museum project, and provide more information on a museum residency. Four years after the initial project with Kings College London, Oxford Brookes University is running a new pilot to explore children's learning outcomes from residencies in cultural spaces (including museums, arts centres and outdoor locations such as zoos or Forest Schools).

How you can get involved with the Oxford Brookes project:

  • You can sign up for updates, using the email address. You'll be notified when new blog posts from the Oxford Brookes team are uploaded, and kept up-to-date with what's going on with the project.

  • Ask questions. If you have a specific question about the initial MPSM pilot delivered by KCL, email your query to, and it will be forwarded to the appropriate person to respond. If you would like to ask the Oxford Brookes project team (see who's involved here ) about their project, contact us at the same email address, and someone will get back to you.

  • Follow new developments with MSPM on Twitter @mspmBrookes

  • Share! Feel free to share resources and opportunities you find on this site, using the hashtag #mpsm

Are you a museum professional or a teacher interested in information about a school taking up residency in a museum?

If so, please take a look at our Sector Publications and Academic Literature page (click here for access), or contact us at if you would like more information. Drop us a line with your query, and someone will get back to you!

In collaboration with: