Saturday Mornings at

Hoops is a basketball community club for girls and boys aged 6 - 18. Sessions are held on Saturday mornings during term time in British School Muscat's Sports Halls.

Sessions are run by BSM's PE staff: Mr Wyre, Mr Price and Mr Myhill.


Ages are taken on 1 September of the current academic year.

Ages 6, 7 & 8 (BSM Years 2, 3 & 4)  | 9am - 10am

Ages 9, 10 & 11 (BSM Years 5, 6 & 7)  | 10am - 11am

Ages 12, 13 (BSM Years 8 & 9)  | 11am - 12pm

Age 14+ (BSM Year 10 +)  | 12pm - 1pm


Mr Wyre will confirm the dates at the start of each term.

Hoops dates will generally follow BSM's Term Dates.


Anyone new to HOOPS will be offered a free taster session before they commit to signing up. There is a OMR 5 registration fee for non-BSM students.

There are different payment options for HOOPS:

Pay per session:
OMR 7.5 per session

Pay for a block of 3 sessions:
OMR 20 per block.
Can be used as/when the child can come to HOOPS.  Once the 3 sessions have been used they can purchase another 3 session block.

Pay termly:
Mr Wyre will confirm the cost for the term at the start of each term. You will receive 1 free session a term if you choose to pay termly.  This free session is a thank you for supporting the club and can be used in case you cannot attend 1 session).

 Please email Mr Wyre on to confirm availability and costs for your child.

Parents will be sent an invoice from British School Muscat's Accounts Office


Please park on the road outside the bottom of the school.  One of us will meet you there to take you through the pedestrian entrance to the Green Sports Hall. Each session will last one hour.  Parents should pick up at the pedestrian gate after the session.


To register for HOOPS please email Mr Wyre on

Once your place is confirmed, you will need to complete a registration form and bring it to the first HOOPS session:

Site run and managed by British School Muscat.   HOOPS is a British School Muscat Community Club.