Time Detectives

Year 4

In this topic we will become 'Time Detectives' as we explore the civilisations of the Ancient Egyptians. Here we will learn all about how life for them was similar and different to ours. We will understand how important the River Nile was for their prosperity. Additionally, we will get the chance to see how mummification works while also examining the many gods they worshiped.

British Museum

To start our topic we decided to gather information on the Ancient Egyptians by going to the British Museum. Here we discovered all about their ancient burial techniques as well as the gods and Pharaohs they worshiped. 

Egyptian Sundials

During our Science lesson we learned about how the Ancient Egyptians used the Sun to measure time. Many of their great monuments were were built with this in mind and the Sun God Ra.

We built our own sundials using a person as our centre point and marking the movement of the shadow they cast.


Did you know that when a person is mummified they stick a large pole up the nose and pull out the brains? Eugh

We decided to try this out ourselves and mummify some of the children in Year 4.

Papyrus Making

In this lesson we were learning all about the important uses of the Papyrus plant in Ancient Egypt. We ripped pieces of paper into strips and lay them out horizontally and vertically, gluing them together to make papyrus paper.

Pyramid Design

We decided to design and create our own Pyramids, but first we had to test what shapes would make our structure stronger. 

We looked at triangles and arches to support our buildings. Then put our designs to the test using a range of tools and materials.

Clay Sphinxes

In this lesson we looked at how the Egyptians created the great Sphinx and its importance. We decided to use clay to recreate our own miniature versions of it paying close attention to adding fine details.