Bristow Middle School Counselor

Hello! My name is Shelley Plum and I am the Bristow Middle School Counselor. I love the opportunity to serve our school and our community.
school: 918-367-3551

CONTACT me! Click on my bitmoji!!

Need to contact Mrs. Plum

Click on the graphic to view the BMS Core Teachers
(Find out your elective teachers 1st day of school!)

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
We are excited to be using Character Strong this year at BMS to support our students,
their families, our teachers and staff, and our community with the ever-changing challenges that are before us.


Social Emotional Learning and Character Development in One

  • SEL Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-Making

  • Character Development: Patience, Kindness, Honesty, Respect, Selflessness, Forgiveness, Commitment, Humility

Entire video here

2021 State Testing Information

Oklahoma Parent Portal

The Oklahoma Parent Portal is designed to provide students and parents with online access to a student’s state assessment scores. This portal will assist a student and his or her parents/guardians with tracking assessment information throughout the student’s academic career.

Parent/Student Portal Help Guide

Parents may access the Parent Portal here:

Parent Portal