Welcome to Bristol Public Schools' Multilingual Program
Bristol Public Schools is proud to provide English language instruction and services to a diverse group of students who speak a multitude of languages. We are committed to providing high-quality research-based instruction to all our English language learners. We individualize learning based on each student’s linguistic and academic needs, using methods designed to promote their academic success and proficiency in English speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
At the time of registration with the district, all parents/guardians complete a Home Language Survey that assists us in determining whether the student is a potential English language learner.
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) has passed legislation to approve a Multilingual Learner English Learner Bill of Rights. It is important to review these rights, and they can be found here in English and many other languages: The Parent Bill of Rights.
The direct links to the Parent Bill of Rights organized by language is in the drop down menu below.
Parent Bills of Rights by Language
Cantonese - 家長權利法案 針對英語學習者/多語言學習者
Chinese Mandarin - 父母权利法案 适用于英语学习者/多语言学习者
Haitian Creole - Deklarasyon dwa paran yo pou moun k ap aprann Anglè oswa plizyè lang
Japanese - 保護者の権利章典英語学習者/多言語学習者のみなさまへ
Korean - 학부모 권리 장전 영어 학습자/다언어 학습자를 위한
Teachers of English as a Second Language
Rosetta Bossi
Jessica Fisher
Michelle F. Maghini
Shannon Lyons
Jenn Stafford
Michelle F. Maghini