Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School

Autumn Term 2 2022

What a busy first half term we have had! Children in KS2 have represented school by joining a community event, planting trees on Bawtry Road. Our Y56 tag rugby team represented us in the school games and we had a winner in the WPT Music awards.

Our Macmillan coffee afternoon raised a fantastic £300. Further charity events this term include Children in Need and Christmas Jumper day so all children will have achieved their pledge for charity work this term.

All our children have received first aid training this week so please talk to them about what they have learned.

After School Clubs

There were some fantastic after school clubs that took place last term, including Photography, Just Dance and Digital Animation.

The children who took part thoroughly enjoyed these clubs and we look forward to running more this half term.

Halloween Disco

The children all had a lot of fun at the Halloween Disco.

They all had fantastic costumes and looked super spooky.


Last half term, children in KS1 took part in a Geography Fieldwork Trip where they went for a walk around Brinsworth to learn about the environment around school.

They used what they had been learning in their Geography lessons to find the Human and Physical features in Brinsworth, as well as taking part in a traffic survey.

First Aid

We have started the new half term with First Aid Training for all of the children in school.

It has been very informative for the children and they have learnt some important new skills.

Harvest Festival

Thank you for your generous contributions to the Harvest Festival collection for the Rotherham Food Bank. They were very grateful for all of the donations, especially in such hard times.

Our next collection will be for the Rotherham Christmas Toy Appeal. We will be sending out further details for this soon.

Diary Dates

w/c 7th November - Remembrance Week

Friday 11th/18th November - Y5/6 Climbing Wall

w/c 14th November - Antibullying Week

Thursday 17th November - F1 Open Session for New Starters

Friday 18th November - Children In Need

Monday 21st November - Flu Vaccinations

Wednesday 23rd November - Paint-A-Pot

Thursday 24th November - African Drumming - Y5/6

Wednesday 30th November - Inset Day

Wednesday 30th November - Parent Consultations

Friday 2nd December - Christmas Shop

Monday 5th December—KS1 Production PM

Tuesday 6th December—KS1 Production AM

Wednesday 7th December—FS Production PM

Thursday 8th December—FS Production AM

Thursday 8th December - Christmas Dinner / Christmas Jumper Day

Thursday 8th December - 'Christmas Market'

Thursday 15th December - Christmas Disco

Friday 16th December - School Closes at 1pm

KS2 production - date TBC