Fact 1

Tiger shark are deep water fish and can go down as deep as 3,000 feet

Fact 2

It can grow up to 15 feet or 18 feet.

Fact 3

Tiger shark have serrated teeth to kill their prey while eating.

Fact 4

Don’t confuse them with sand tiger sharks.

Fact 5

Tiger sharks are known for eating almost anything. Including other sharks, fish,

Fact 6

Tiger shark live in shallow coastal waters, but have been seen 1150 feet deep.

Fact 7

Tiger shark moms give birth to 10-80 pups.

Fact 8

Tiger sharks are more afraid of us them we are them.

Fact 9

The tiger shark lives in tropical waters in many places throughout the world.

Fact 10

These sharks migrate with the change of seasons. When the weather turns cold, they move from temperate waters to tropical waters. Alternatively, when the warm weather returns, they move from a tropical habitat to a temperate one.