Alligator Facts

Fact 1

The biggest alligator in the world so far was 15 feet 9 inches long and weighed in at 1,011.5 pounds .

Fact 2

These cold-blooded reptiles grow to 6 to 11 feet.

Fact 3

That right - if the temperature in the baby alligator nest is warm male alligator are born if the temperature is cool the babies are female.

Fact 4

All alligator live in freshwater they usually prefer slow - moving rivers .

Fact 5

Alligator eyes are on top of their heads making it easy for them to lie alomost entirely submerged and still see their prey .

Fact 6

Alligators along with other crocodilians have through very littile evolutionary change since the time of the dinosaurs American alligator appeared about 84 million years ago .

Fact 7

Alligator have about 75 teeth in their mouth at any one time but as the .

Fact 8

Alligator are bulit for speed not endurance .

Fact 9

Alligator are considered carnivores but have been know to eat fruit .

Fact 10

Alligator are Reptiles and members of the crocodilian family which.