

Health Education

Steven Meyers

Physical Education K-8th

(631) 998-1340


Mike DeRosa

Athletic Director , Physical & Health Educator

(631) 998-1326

Grades 6-12 Curriculum Overview

Bridgehampton High School

Physical Education Department

Curriculum Overview

Grades 6-12

Physical Education prepares students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for leading a physically active and physically fit lifestyle. With physical inactivity being identified as a major disease risk factor in our sedentary society, Physical Education makes an increasingly important and integral contribution to the education of the “whole child”. The primary focus in this subject area centers on the physical dimension of human development. Curricula are based upon a developmentally appropriate progression of physical activities that nurture the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development of all students. Regardless of the activity, self-reliance, socialization skills, cooperative skills, work ethic, respect for others, and integrity of each student can be readily observed, taught, monitored, and modeled. Considering that the curricular expectations extend well beyond physical accomplishment, the use of varied and appropriate teaching styles is essential.

New York State Learning Standards for Physical Education

Standard 1: Personal Health and Fitness

Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.

Standard 2: A Safe and Healthy Environment

Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

Standard 3: Resource Management

Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community resources.

Credit: You will receive ½ unit for each completed year of Physical Education (grades 9-12). Four years of Physical Education will give you the 2 units needed for a Bridgehampton High School diploma.

Goals of Physical Education Class

· Introduce students to a variety of activities which will include but not limit to the following:

o Team Sports

o Individual Sports

o Lifetime Fitness

o Project Adventure

· Improve students overall fitness level

· Students will have an understanding of the relationship between physical fitness level and positive self esteem

· Students will understand the importance of working cohesively with a group to achieve a common goal

· Students will be able to demonstrate self-control and discipline in various activities and situations.

· Students will demonstrate good sportsmanship.

· Students will understand the importance of good personal hygiene(i.e. wearing a clean gym uniform for each class)

· Students will demonstrate personal living skills (i.e. communication, cooperation, accept challenges, leadership , respect)

· Students will understand that a healthy lifestyle includes exercising on a daily basis.

· Health & Wellness for all….Achieve and maintain both physical and emotional health.

Grades: You will receive a grade in Physical Education 4 times during the school year. The average of all 4 will be your final grade.

Students will be graded each PE class. A student may earn 5 points during each class period.

· No points Earned= absent from class. If the class is conducted, you must make it up. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the time to make-up the class. Make-up class counts toward the Physical Education grade, it does not take away the absence from class.

· 1 Point= present in class.

· 1 Point= Complete PE uniform, may not participate in the clothes you wore to school.

· 1-3 Points= Effort (Quality of performance)

o 1 Point= achieves few objectives, unwilling to learn, minimal effort and/or poor sportsmanship.

o 2 Points= achieves most objectives, willing to learn, satisfactory effort and/or sportsmanship.

o 3 Points= achieves all objectives, willing to learn, excellent/outstanding effort & sportsmanship.

Extra Credit: Each marking period if you would like to earn extra credit you can by reading an article and type a 1-2 page summary of that article. Include your thoughts about the article and why you choose this topic. You must submit a copy of your article with your report. This will be worth 5 points

Some possible topics for extra credit: nutrition, athletic injuries, how academics are influenced by athletics, any health related issue etc…

Uniform: You must have a Bridgehampton School Gym Uniform to participate. Put you name on all equipment. Uniform can be purchased from PE educators before school and during lunch. Uniforms will not be sold during class. (PE tops $5 and PE shorts $10)

Locks & Lockers: Everyone will be issued a lock and a locker. DO NOT give your combination to anyone. If you lose your lock, you must purchase a new lock for $3.00. Keep you locker LOCKED at all times. The Bridgehampton School cannot be responsible for lost items when lockers are not used appropriately.

Locker Room: Please keep the locker room neat and clean, it is your space. Clothing, sneakers, etc. left outside of lockers will be discarded.

Excuses: To be excused from class, you must have a note from a parent/guardian, doctor or school nurse. For more than 3 consecutive days, only a doctor’s note will be accepted. You are responsible for ALL missed work.

***Students with an extended medical issue will be given appropriate activity or a written assignment for the period of time that they are medically excused.

Injuries: All injuries must be reported. Immediate medical care is best for any injury.

Scope and Sequence
