
Live Zoom calls will be held every Monday and Wednesday:

Group A: 9:30am

Group B: 10:00am

Week 1-2: What is Technoology? What is Engineering?

Establish Routines and Procedures.

Go Green Recycled Racers

Week 3: Flying Technologies

Week 4: Air Drop Packages


Live Zoom calls will be held every Monday and Thursday:

Week 1:Pandemic Response

Week 2: Timers

Week 3: Urban Landscape

Week 4: Invention Convention

In addition to the STEM lessons each day, students will also be doing iReady Reading (30 minutes) and Math​ (30 minutes) which can be broken down to 15 minutes a day for 4 days. Teachers will be monitoring their online instruction. AVID Focused Note Taking strategies will also be embedded in the STEM lessons.

Copy of Fin Lit Summer School General Info