Resources and Activities

for Families

Dear families,

With much concern and uncertainty surrounding our current situation, it is understandable to feel uneasy and unsettled. Modeling calm and healthy behavior is very important at times like these. We’d like to encourage you to employ strategies that would counter stress and anxiety that children may be feeling as a result of a sudden change in routine and not knowing what is to come. It is important to make children feel safe, allow them to ask questions and provide accurate information. It is equally important to try to maintain a normal routine, use empathy and take care of ourselves. You are not alone and we are here to help!

We have put together a set of resources to help you and your children. These resources provide ways to practice skills, spark creativity and imagination, and keep curious minds engaged.

Use these resources to help your children to center, practice mindfulness and emerge stronger in the end. These are "stress-busting, attitude adjusting" apps and tools for all!

Click here for "Stress-Busting, Attitude Adjusting" Apps and Tools

My Life My Voice Mobile App

Animated emoticons help users identify their moods and track their feelings. Plenty of life tips will put more pep in their step, too.

99 Coping Skills

Surefire self-help strategies for managing anxiety, depression, fear and resentment.

Brain Dump

Achieve a happier headspace by shaking free of negative thoughts.

Scream Into the Void

A safe space to confidentially and without any consequences rage at heartbreak, hurt and betrayal. When the shouting's done, there's instant relief.

The Quiet Place

Who knew the spacebar could be so soothing? Restores a sense of calm in seconds.

This Is Sand

When you can't get to a sun-soaked beach to chill and relax, this game delivers a similar sense of serenity.

Mandala Maker

Kids find their inner artist and ease their worries by creating funky abstract and geometric designs.

Fun Distractions

De-stress with silly games and just-for-fun personality quizzes.


A space where kids can create awesome, mind-blowing digital art.

Take a Deep Breath

An easy-to-follow breathing exercise calms the nerves, lowers the heart rate and relaxes the body.

Setting the Scene

Setting up a learning space and developing a daily routine for your student that meets your family’s needs will be helpful. We encourage you to include your child in helping with the set up so that they feel positive about it and have a voice as they make the space their own.

Consider the following:

Develop a daily schedule to meet your family needs.

Create a distraction free space for learning with your child.

Include your child in setting daily learning goals.

Find fun ways to incorporate daily movement and exercise.

Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and emotions. Anxiety, stress and even anger are common emotions in times of unexpected change.

Our team has put together a collection of resources that families can access and integrate into a daily learning routine. These are not intended to replace classroom instruction but will help students practice skills and gain skill during school closure.

Getting Started

Our K-12 students have access to online practice opportunities utilizing our district curriculum resources through the Clever. Clever is a portal that allows students access to our district resources with a single login.

Technology Help Line for Families 360-473-1065 or

Click Here to Access Grade Level Resources

Celebrate International Social Emotional Learning Day 3/27/20

Here are five different 5-minute challenges from CharacterStrong that align with each of the core competencies of social-emotional learning (SEL).