Physical Education Resources

Resources for Mrs. Kuhl and Mr. Lehman's PE classes

Look here for your weekly PE activities during remote learning.


At Home Basketball Lesson

It's PE time - let's warm up our bodies! For the next 5-10 minutes, choose from the following activities to get your heart beating faster, and your muscles stronger.

Run in place; jumping jacks; high knees; butt kicks; sit-ups; push-ups; elbow, hand and side planks; plank jacks; squats; burpees; forward, reverse and side lunges; and stretches

For the past few weeks we have been practicing our basketball skills in the gym. This can be challenging at home if you don't have a basketball hoop and especially difficult to practice at home in the winter months. The following video shows a creative way you could practice some of these skills at home. Try to create your own way to follow along with the video. Don't forget that you could upload pictures of your practice in our "PE gallery" to stay connected with your classmates. Pick a good place to practice so you don't break anything and have fun!

We start teaching BEEF in 2nd grade. If you have followed along with the video and want to continue practicing your shooting, see if you can focus on your Balance, Elbow, Eyes and Follow-through.

Other basketball skills we have practiced include right hand dribbling, left hand dribbling, crossover dribbling, chest pass, bounce pass, and layups. Our typical PE class lesson lasts 40 minutes. Challenge yourself to find a way to practice these skills to get at least 40 minutes of activity today.


Tic Tac Toe Relay Race

Today, we wanted to give you a game that you can play at home with your friends and family! Most people know the rules of tic tac toe. You, or your team, wants to be the first to fill in 3 in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. We used hula hoops to make our tic tac toe board and bean bags to fill in the squares on the board. Here are a few pictures of our tic tac toe "board" and our bean bags filling in the spots in the different ways you could win...


3 blue bean bags in a line up and down.


3 blue bean bags in a line across.


3 blue bean bags in a line at an angle.

How to play the game!

We used hula hoops for our squares and bean bags to fill in the squares but you could use anything that works! Once you have a "board" setup with 3 items to fill in the squares on the board for each team, you are ready to play. You need to split into 2 teams and have a starting line away from the board. Teammates take turns running from their line and filling in a square (hula hoop or whatever you are using at home) with an item (bean bags, rocks, sticks, whatever you can think of) like a relay race. Watch the following videos for an example!

3x3 Camera.mp4
3x3 phone.mp4

Special Rules

As you can see in the videos, each team only has 3 bean bags. After the 3rd bean bag is placed, you can move 1 of your teams bean bags from the spot it is in, to a new empty spot. But, be careful! Once you pick up a bean bag from a spot it can't be put back into that same spot during that turn. Also notice how the next teammate in line can not start until their teammate gets back to their line, just like a relay race. The first team to get 3 in a row wins!!

Here are some extra videos of us playing with a 4x4 grid. Maybe you can figure out how to do this on your own, or come up with different variations of the game and tell us about them when we get back to school!

4x4 Camera.mp4

A big thank you goes out to our special guests in the video.

Can you recognize any of these tic tac toe pro's?


Today's PE activities are 3 different yoga videos. We thought yoga would be the perfect activity today because these exercises can be done inside, using little space. Yoga is great for not only the body, but also the mind and heart. See if you can follow along with all three videos!

Yoga PE for the Body

Yoga PE for the Heart

Yoga PE for the Mind

Remember, if you upload pictures or videos of yourself doing our activities to the form in our PE gallery, we can add them to the gallery for your friends to see!


We have been working especially hard so far this year with our sit-ups, jump ropes, and hula hoops. Make sure you keep up with this practice at home! If you need a reminder on how to be most successful with these skills, check out the videos and tips below.


Sit-ups are a great exercise for your abdominal muscles. Those are the muscles that protect your belly! Notice how Mrs. Kuhl and Mr. Lehman keep their hands away from their legs and the floor and go all the way up and down without cracking their craniums. This is the best way to make those abdominal muscles strong! How many sit-ups can you do?

Mr. Lehman situps.mp4
Mrs. Kuhl situps.mp4

Jump Rope

"See it"

After you swing the rope, watch it come over your head with your eyes.

"Hear it"

After you see the rope, you should hear it hit the ground.

"Jump it"

Finally, jump over the rope with your feet glued together!

Once you have all of the steps, you can put them together to jump over and over. How many times can you jump your rope without stopping? In this video Mr. Lehman got 13 and Mrs. Kuhl got 12.

Jumpr rope.mp4

Hula Hoops

Starting position

When standing inside the hoop, reach behind you to pick it up, then pull it tight to your back.

Big swing.mp4


Give the hula hoop a good swing with your arms to get it started.

Hula hoop video.mp4

Belly Backside

Rock belly-backside, belly-backside, belly-backside to keep the hoop moving!


Just for fun, enjoy our blooper reel and a video of Mr. Lehman sinking a half court shot on the first try! Don't forget you can submit photos or videos of yourself doing the exercises in our "PE Gallery". See you next week!

Hula hoop shoulder ffwd.mp4
Hula hoop shoulder reverse.mp4
Half court shot.mp4

Happy Heart Fitness

Follow along with this online physical education lesson that will help you:

1️⃣ Understand the keys to physical health.

2️⃣ Explain how physical activity helps you keep your body healthy and strong.

3️⃣ List different health-enhancing physical activities that you can do at home!