Mr. Hendershott's Website


Thanks for visiting the website for Mr. Hendershott's History and PE/ELA 7 classes at Brandon Middle School. Parents and students should use this site to keep up to date with what's going on in my classes.

Daily Schedule

A Schedule

2nd Period- 7:30 - 9:25 ELA 7

3rd Period 9:35 - 11:25 Physical Education 6/7

Lunch 11:25 - 12:00

4th Period 12:05- 2:00 Physical Education 7/8

B Schedule

5th Period 7:30 - 9:25 Physical Education 7/8

6th Period 9:35 - 11:25 Physical Education 6/7

Lunch 11:25 -12:00

7th Period 12:05 - 2:00 Physical Education 6/7

If you would like to contact me, please click on the link above. Alternatively, you may choose to call during the day and leave a voicemail. My telephone number is (248) 627-1830, x1349 . My e-mail address is Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns about your child's progress or behavior in my classes. I'm looking forward to a great school year!

Classroom Update

Students and parents should consult the MiStar grade book (parent/student portal) for feedback on assignments and activities in class. Click here.

Physical Education/Health: Please click below to learn more about the PE/Health curriculum and guidelines that will be covered this year.

    • 6th grade: The emphasis of this physical education class is to have fun while striving to do your best. Team sports, skill development, and cardio-respiratory will be the focus. Team Sports units include floor hockey, flag football, basketball, speed ball, and volleyball. Fitness activities may include running, walking, jumping rope, circuit training, aerobic exercises, and calisthenics. Swimming may be a component of the class.

    • 7th grade: The emphasis of this physical education class is to have fun while striving to do your best. Team sports, skill development, and cardio-respiratory will be the focus. Team Sports units include floor hockey, flag football, basketball, speed ball, and volleyball. Fitness activities may include running, walking, jumping rope, circuit training, aerobic exercises, and calisthenics. Swimming may be a component of the class.

    • 8th grade (A & B): Students will continue to develop fitness and team sports skills . In addition to cardiovascular fitness and exercise, an additional emphasis of this class is to strengthen the mind and body and get into better physical and mental shape. There will be a focus on cardio-respiratory fitness and aerobic exercises. Some team sports are played along with some lifetime and leisure sports. Swimming and yoga may be a component of this class.

History 8: This course introduces students to the history of the United States from the Articles of Confederation to the end of the 19th century. Using primary and secondary sources, students explore time and place in nineteenth century America. Beginning with the political and intellectual transformations that preceded the Articles of Confederation, students review the ideas and principles that form the basis of our constitutional republic. They further their understanding of American government from an in-depth study of the United States Constitution and the evolution of the government created during its first century. Students explore the challenges faced by the new nation and the role of political and social leaders in meeting these challenges. Students also analyze the nature and effect of territorial, demographic, and economic growth in the 19th century. They analyze and evaluate early attempts to abolish or contain slavery and to realize the ideals of the Declaration of Independence for all. In studying the Civil War and Reconstruction, students evaluate multiple causes, key events, and complex consequences of the war and its aftermath. Students are introduced to some of the major changes in American society in the last part of the 19th century as they explore large scale changes over time in the development of the United States. As students examine contemporary public issues during the course, they explore connections to issues of the past. Throughout the course, students learn to use historical evidence to both support historical arguments and to construct historical narratives.

Physical Education/Health

  • Dress for class includes shorts, sweatpants, t-shirts, sweatshirt, socks, and appropriate athletic shoes. Clothes for PE must be different than the clothes worn for school that day. PE clothes must also meet the dress code.

  • Use the lock and locker provided by the school. Lost/damaged locks are $7 to replace. You may use your own lock.


  • 1" 3-ring binder

  • A folder

  • A composition notebook/theme book (70 pages/semester)

Grading Policies



Homework is always due at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Late or incomplete work is not accepted. Homework is weighted as 40% of a student's grade.

Quizzes are intended to check students' progress over a longer period of time than homework. Quizzes represent 30% of a student's marking period grade.

Tests are designed to assess students' achievement, and they determined 30% of the overall grade. There will be a comprehensive final exam on the year's material. Students will be able to use their notes and previous resources from class.

Class projects may be graded as homework, quizzes, or tests.

Grades are posted weekly in class and in the MiStar student/parent portal.

Physical Education/Health

  • Class Participation

    • 50 pts. possible each 5-day week

    • 10 pt. deduction for non-participation

    • 1-10 pt. deduction possible for a) non-participation; b) not following the rules for the day; c) discipline/behavior choices

*In order to be excused from class participation, a parent/guardian note must be provided. A note from home may excuse a student up to 3 days. Situations that require more than a 3-day exclusion require a doctor's note for excuse as well as a note to return to activity.

  • Performance

    • Points will be earned in several areas. Skill development will be evaluated in conjunction with attitude, effort, cooperation, leadership, and the ability to follow directions.

  • Written Unit Assessments

    • Rules of sports

    • Health lessons

  • Final Grades

    • 40% participation

    • 40% performance

    • 20% written assessments

History Classroom Rules

  1. Be on time to class.

  2. Be prepared for class.

  3. Speak appropriately at the correct time during class.

  4. Do not bring distractions to class. This includes cell phones/electronic devices.

  5. No cheating.

  6. Take care of the physical property of the classroom.

  7. Treat others with respect and common courtesy. Remember the Golden Rule!

Physical Education/Health

Locker Room Rules

  1. Never leave belongings unlocked & unattended.

  2. Do not bring a cell phone/electronic device to class. Leave those items in your school locker. They are not allowed in class OR the locker room for any reason.

  3. Do not touch the property of other students.

  4. Do not slam the lockers.

  5. No Horseplay.

  6. Do not leave the locker room without permission.

PE/Health Classroom Rules

  1. Get to class on time.

  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.

  3. Only use equipment as instructed.

  4. do not kick a ball unless it is the appropriate time and place.

  5. Remove ALL JEWELRY.

  6. Enter and leave the gym through the main doors. Do not use the back hallway.

  7. Only use the locker room during class time and with teacher permission.

  8. Sit/stand quietly in your assigned floor space in the gym after you have dressed for class.

  9. Wait IN the locker room, quietly sitting on the bench, for dismissal.

  10. Do not harass others.

  11. Refrain from obscene gestures and language.

  12. No gum, candy, or food is allowed.

  13. NO CELL PHONES for any reason.