"In the Germanic languages, the number 120 was also formerly known as 'one hundred'. This 'hundred' of six score is now obsolete, but is described as the long hundred or great hundred in historical contexts."  [1]  

The number 120 has other significance, i.e., in geometry [2] , in math (the factorial of 5 i.e., 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 or the first multiply perfect number [3] of order three [a 3-perfect or triperfect number [4]]), in science (the atomic number of unbinilium [5] , an element yet to be discovered), and in other fields, i.e., the medical telephone number for an ambulance in China [6] , the Israeli national legislature (the Knesset ) [7] has 120 seats, 120 Jubilees (50 years) equals 6,000 years, and this list goes on and on. However, this article is focusing on whether the number 120 has significance in the Bible. 

Some numbers in the Bible are significant while others are simply used as numbers. One of the more known significant numbers is 666. The number 12 has significance. 

There are other significant numbers mentioned in the Bible. What about the number 120? 

“Certain numbers appear often in the Bible in an illustrative, figurative, or symbolic sense, and in such cases an understanding of their significance is vital to an understanding of the text.”  [8 

A comprehensive list of significant numbers in the Bible is shown in the Watchtower Publications Indexes, however, the number 120 is not listed. [9]   Could the number 120 be included in this list as 'vital to an understanding of the text'?

The number 120 is used in the Bible at the very least twelve times. [10]   The number 120 is associated in these twelve verses with the number of years before the Flood, the age in years of Moses (mentioned three times), shekels in gold cups, talents of gold, Kohathites, the height in cubits of the temple porch overlaid in pure gold, priests with trumpets, satraps in the Darius' kingdom,  the number in thousands found in Ninevah during Jonah's day, and the number is found in the upper room at Pentecost 33 CE. 

The Watchtower quoted The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia as stating: "The “Ten Words” are stated in incisive, terse language, consisting of but 120 words in the Hebrew text.” [11]

It is not commonly known that the ancient Hebrew and Greek Scripture manuscripts did not use Hindu/Arabic numerals that we are familiar with. Instead the Hebrew and Greek text writes out numbers in words. Hence, the number 120 is written in Hebrew as מֵאָה (me’ah) ‘hundred’ עֶשְׂרִים (‘esriym) ‘twenty’ at Genesis 6:3, which is the first mention of the number 120 in the sacred text. [12Is the number 120 used at Genesis 6:3 significant or simply used as a number indicating the length of time before the flood? If it is significant, then what would be its significance? 

Genesis 6:3 says, “Then Jehovah said: “My spirit will not tolerate man indefinitely, because he is only flesh.  Accordingly, his days will amount to 120 years.” 

If the number 120 does not have symbolic, figurative or significant meaning, why would the Most High, Almighty God use this number in such a dramatic manner?  

Consider these two statements quoted from Insight into the Scriptures

“Twelve therefore seems to represent a complete, balanced, divinely constituted arrangement.”  [8]

“Multiples of 12 are also sometimes significant.”  [8]

Obviously 120 is a multiple of twelve times ten. What does ten signify?

"Ten is a number denoting fullness, entirety, the aggregate, the sum of all that exists of something. It may be noted also that, where the numbers seven and ten are used together, the seven represents that which is higher or superior and ten represents something of a subordinate nature." [8]

Could the number twelve also represent 'that which is higher or superior and ten represents something of a subordinate nature'? 

“Seventy being a multiple of 7 X 10 symbolizes comprehensive completeness. Note the following examples where this symbolic number is used.” [13]

Could the number 120 (twelve times ten) also 'symbolize comprehensive completeness' or something else?

The actual Hebrew word for twenty is the plural word ten, thus, the emphasis on the ‘fullness’  of the judgement announcement. 

Take for example the number forty which is the total number of days and nights of the deluge mentioned at Genesis 7:4 and is associated with judgement. [8]

"The number three, therefore, is used at times to represent intensity, emphasis, or added strength."  [8]

Could the number forty times three (120) signify a judgement of intensity or emphasis? [14]  

Watchtower publications have repeatedly stated that the announcement in heaven by the Almighty God at Genesis 6:3 occurred in 2490 BCE. [15

Jesus said at Matthew 24:37: "For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be."

Announcements in Heaven

Just as there was an announcement made in heaven 120 years before the flood, was there any announcement made in heaven to the angelic host about an impending judgement for the earth associated with the birth of God's Kingdom?  

"Since 1914 we have been living in “the Lord’s day.” (Revelation 1:10) As Revelation 10:7 states, it is the time for ‘the sacred secret of God according to the good news to be brought to a finish.’  Heavenly voices have now proclaimed: “The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” (Revelation 11:15) Jehovah has installed the Messianic King, Jesus Christ, on his glorious throne to be coruler with Him!" [16]  

"We are speaking of the invisible heavens, beyond the reach and penetration of human science. These invisible heavens, where the God of all creation is seen by his spiritual creatures—even these heavens were radically affected by what took place in 1914. There can be no mistake about it that in 1914 the time came for a universally important announcement to be made and heard throughout the invisible heavens, the reverberations of which were finally to be picked up here at the earth, not by means of radio telescopes but by means of the invisible active force of God operating upon his people. No announcement could be greater than that announcement that was actually heard and then recorded in these inspired words:

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever.” Revelation 11:15 [17]   

Announcement on Earth

“For more than 120 years, this John class has been pointing to the great issues involved with the ending of the Gentile Times in 1914. (Luke 21:24, King James Version)”  [18]

Therefore, since the number 12 represents 'a complete, balanced, divinely constituted arrangement' and the number 10 'denoting fullness', twelve times ten has just as much significance as when seven and ten 'are used together, the seven represents that which is higher or superior and ten represents something of a subordinate nature',  so too, the twelve represents that which is higher or superior and the ten represents something of a subordinate nature' and so the number 120 is as significant a number in the Bible as 70 or 40.  

 End Notes 

 [1]  120 (number), Wikipedia 

 [2]  120-cell, Wikipedia

[3] Multiply perfect number, Wikipedia

[4Multiply perfect number, Triperfect numbers, Wikipedia

 [5Unbinilium, Wikipedia

[6List of emergency telephone numbers, Wikipedia

[7Knesset, Wikipedia

[8Number, Numeral, 1988, Insight on the Scriptures, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, pages 510-513

[9Numbers listed in Watch Tower Publications Index 1930-1985 (Watchtower Bible & Tract Society):

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 24, 40, 70, 77, 666, 777, 1000, 2520, 144,000

Watch Tower Publications Index 1986-2020 (Watchtower Bible & Tract Society):

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 24, 40, 70, 77, 666, 777, 1000, 1260, 1600, 2520, 7000, 144000

[10Bible Verses using 120 (list on jw.org):

“...Accordingly, his days will amount to 120 years.” Genesis 6:3 

“…all the gold of the cups amounting to 120 shekels.” Numbers 7:86 

“saying to them: “I am 120 years old today…” Deuteronomy 32:2

 “Moses was 120 years old at his death…” Deuteronomy 34:7 

“In the meantime, Hiʹram sent to the king 120 talents of gold.” 1 Kings 9:14

“Then she gave the king 120 talents of gold…” 1 Kings 10:10 

“from the Koʹhath·ites, U·riʹel the chief and 120 of his brothers;” 1 Chronicles 15:5

“The porch in front was 20 cubits long, corresponding to the width of the house,* and its height was 120;* and he overlaid it inside with pure gold.” 2 Chronicles 3:4 

“they were standing east of the altar, and along with them 120 priests were sounding the trumpets.” 2 Chronicles 5:12 

“It seemed good to Darius to appoint 120 satraps over the whole kingdom.” Daniel 6:1

“Should I not also feel sorry for Ninʹe·veh the great city, in which there are more than 120,000 men who do not even know right from wrong,* as well as their many animals?” Jonah 4:11

“During those days Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers (the number* of people was altogether about 120) and said:” Acts 1:15 

Is it significant that the number 120 is in 12 verses in the Bible? 

[11w61 2/1 page 74 The Ten Commandments—of God, Not Men

[12We take for granted using symbols for numbers/numerals and the concept of the zero. Ancient Bible writers never used the number zero since they were not familiar with the zero concept nor with the Hindu/Arabic number/numeral system. The ancient Greek Bible writers also used words for numbers in the same manner, so in our example, 120 is written with the words εκατόν (ekaton) ‘hundred’ and είκοσι (eikosin) ‘twenty’ at Acts 1:15

The Romans also used words to write numbers/numerals. In Latin 120 is written centum ‘hundred’ viginti ‘twenty’ at 1 Kings 10:10, and even though the Romans developed Roman numerals, the the Latin Vulgate doesn’t use Roman numerals and instead writes out  numbers using words following the Hebrew and Greek text numbering.  See also end note [8]

[13] nw52 4/15 pp. 249-254, Aids for Understanding Prophecy, paragraph 8

[14"In a few instances periods of judgment or punishment seem to be associated with the number 40. (Ge 7:4; Eze 29:11, 12) Nineveh was given 40 days to repent. (Jon 3:4) Another use of the number 40 points out a parallel in the life of Jesus Christ with that of Moses, who typified Christ. Both of these men experienced 40-day periods of fasting.​—Ex 24:18; 34:28; De 9:9, 11; Mt 4:1, 2."  Forty, Number, Numeral, 1988, Insight on the Scriptures, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, page 513

[15Watchtower articles mentioning the date 2490 BCE (year of the announcement in heaven) or 2370 BCE (year of the flood) or the 120 years:

"Some 120 years in advance, Jehovah fixed the time for the Flood to begin.” 
w20 September, page 13, paragraph 18, “Do Not Let Your Hand Rest”

“Jehovah Purposes to Destroy That World. Jehovah set a time limit for the existence of that ungodly world, saying: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Ge 6:3) This was a divine judicial decree. About 20 years after that, Noah’s first son (probably Japheth) was born (2470 B.C.E.), and the record shows that another son, Shem, was born two years later.” it-2 pp. 507 (1988, 2015, 2018) Noah

“Jehovah determined that he would wipe out that wicked society within 120 years.​“ 
w13 4/1 pp. 12-15 He “Walked With the True God"

“The Bible tells us that Jehovah issued a decree in heaven.  According to Genesis 6:3, he said: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” This was not a statement regarding the average human lifespan. It was a judicial decree in which Jehovah declared when he would act to cleanse the earth of ungodliness.* Since the Flood began in 2370 B.C.E., we infer that God made this pronouncement in 2490 B.C.E.  At that time, Noah was 480 years old. (Gen. 7:6)  Some 20 years later, in the year 2470 B.C.E., Noah’s sons began to be born.” w12 4/15 pp. 22-26 Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People, paragraph 5

“It is logical, therefore, to conclude that Genesis 6:3 expresses God’s resolve to end the corrupt system of things on earth. Jehovah issued a judicial decree to do so in 120 years, though Noah was not yet aware of that.” w10 12/15 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers, paragraph 5

“The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. Just think what that meant for those then living! Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the earth to bring to ruin all flesh in which the force of life is active from under the heavens.”​ “ 
w03 12/15 pp. 14-19 Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency, paragraph 6

“Things were evidently coming to a head when Jehovah determined that he would allow the situation to continue just another 120 years.”
 w02 3/1 page 6  Why Did That Ancient World Perish?

“Those 120 years allowed faithful Noah time to produce a family and​—when informed of God’s decree—​to build an ark and warn his contemporaries of the coming Flood.”
 w01 11/1 pp. 8-13 Jehovah Is a God of Long-Suffering, paragraph 7

“Despite the fact that people before the Flood were wicked, God mercifully decided that their time would continue another 120 years.” 
w99 6/1 page 6 God Is Not Slow Regarding His Promise

“Consider how God exercised foreknowledge in the days of Noah. Because of the widespread badness that had filled the earth, God determined to bring an end to disobedient humankind. He set a time when he would do this, 120 years into the future.” w99 8/15 pp. 14-19 Living by Faith in God’s Promises, paragraph 12

“Before the Flood, God fixed a 120-year time limit for the corrupt world that humans and rebellious materialized angels had brought about. (Genesis 6:1-3) Godly Noah was 480 years old at that point.”
 w98 9/15 pp. 10-15 Times and Seasons in Jehovah’s Hands, paragraph 5

“Though God could have wiped out the human race as soon as he saw this condition, he decreed that he would bring an end to this situation in 120 years.”
 w91 5/15 pp. 10-15 Consider Models of Long-Suffering, paragraph 9

“That global deluge was a punishment from Jehovah God. He had patiently held back from inflicting that punishment for at least 120 years…Thus the “ancient world,” the first society of mankind, lasted for about 1,656 years after man’s creation. As for this present “world,” or human society, God’s patience with it has lasted much longer, for about forty-two centuries or since the “act of God” in confusing the language of the builders of the tower of Babel.” 
w75 12/15 pp. 745-751 Proving Ourselves Worthy to Enter God’s New Order, paragraphs 12, 13

“So for only one hundred and twenty years more his spirit would express itself in patience as it had been doing toward mankind. When time was up, he would bring a tremendous change!”
 Holy Spirit—The Force Behind the Coming New Order!, hs chap. 4 pp. 57-80 Holy Spirit in Action upon Persons of Earlier Times, (1976), pages 68-70, paragraph 25

“That was not a setting of an age limit upon man as in the case of the prophet Moses, who lived to be a hundred and twenty years old. It was a divine decree that the ungodly world of mankind should have only one hundred and twenty years more to exist until the global deluge. So this divine decree was published in 1536 A.M. or 2490 B.C.E. This meant that there the “time of the end” had begun for that ungodly world of Noah’s days. The God of purpose was timing matters.” God’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for Man’s Good, po chap. 6 pp. 65-80 Human Life Outside Paradise Until the Deluge, (1974), paragraph 24

“He gave men 120 years before acting against them.”
 w71 10/15 pp. 633-635 Preparing for a New Order of Righteousness

“He waited 120 years before destroying the wicked generation of Noah’s day,”
 w69 8/1 pp. 457-464 The Value and Need of Self-Control, paragraph 10

“As during Noah’s day when Jehovah tempered his justice by deferring execution for 120 years, so today he tempers his justice by deferring his war, called “the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” “
 w65 7/1 pp. 413-415 Tempering Justice with Mercy page 415

“At least in the 120 years before the global flood of Noah’s day.”
 w65 10/1 page 581 Do Evil Spirits Exercise Power over Man?

“For 120 years God restrained his anger at the wickedness in the preflood days and then brought the Deluge upon that ungodly system.” w61 4/1 pp. 201-207 Exercising Patience, paragraph 7

“In the days of Noah He promised the destruction of that wicked world 120 years in advance.”
 w57 11/1 page 644 Can You Wait?

“Jehovah indicated this destruction 120 years in advance.”
 w50 1/15 pp. 19-22 A God of Warning, paragraph 4 

[16] w90 1/15 pp. 15-20, Learning the Sacred Secret of Godly Devotion

[17] w66 10/15 pp. 613-626, paragraphs 3-4, What Has God’s Kingdom Been Doing Since 1914? 

[18] Revelation book, chapter 27, paragraph 20, [re 1988, 2006 printing, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society]

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