Mrs. Padilla/Mr. Moreno 

School Counselors

Welcome to BP Stem Academy's counseling corner 

(PADILLA: Last names A-L)

Click HERE to make an appointment with Mrs. Padilla 👩🏽 

(MORENO: Last Names M-Z) 

Click HERE To Make An Appointment w/Mr. Moreno 👨🏽 

Welcome Students and Parents!

As your school counselors, we will be available to support you in many different ways.  Please begin by taking some time to explore this site  You will find valuable resources to support the mental health and well-being of you and your family.  Below, you will find our contact information. 

¡Bienvenidos estudiantes y padres!

Como sus consejeros escolares, estarémos disponibles para apoyarlos de muchas formas diferentes. Comience por tomarse un tiempo para explorar este sitio. Encontrará recursos valiosos para apoyar la salud mental y el bienestar de usted y su familia. A continuación, encontrará nuestra información de contacto. 

What Is a Counselor v.2.0.mp4

What is a school counselor?

Click on the short video to find out how your School Counselor can help you.  

If you need immediate help during non-school hours, please use the following numbers:

Crisis Text Line: Text "HELLO" to 741741

National Suicide Hotline

Dial: 988

Trevor Project Lifeline (Available 24/7; Confidential Suicide Hotline for LGBT Youth)


Emergency Situation: 911

Mr. moreno

Email: Click HERE

Monday-Friday 7:30AM-4:00PM

(626) 962-3311 Ext. 87433

BP STEM Academy Website

Mrs. Padilla

Email: Click HERE

Monday-Friday 7:30AM-4:00PM 

(626) 962-3311 Ext. 83352

BP STEM Academy Website