Day 5


“One player’s selfish attitude can poison the locker room and make it hard, if not impossible, to establish teamwork” – Dean Smith

challenge friday!!

Ball Handling Challenge


Instructions: Players are to do the challenge 5 times as practice first, then take the challenge for your time to submit below.

Complete the following 6 ball handling drills all in a row without stopping. Time yourself to see how long it takes to successfully complete the following in succession:

• 25 pound dribbles

• 25 rapid fire dribbles

• 25 pound, inside-out dribbles

• 25 pound, double crossover dribbles

• 25 pound, between the leg crossovers

• 25 pound, behind the back crossovers

Shooting Challenge:

Alternate Range Challenge


Time yourself to see how long it takes to successfully complete the following in succession:

Instructions: Players are to practice the challenge first by shooting from each spot, 15 shots as practice first, then take the challenge for your time to submit below.

• There are five spots on the floor: left corner, left wing, top of the key, right wing, and right corner

• Start in the left corner

• Make 4 mid-range shots

• Make 4 3 point shots

• Make 4 shots alternating between mid-range and 3 point range

• Repeat at each of the five spots on the floor.

Having a rebounder helps with this drill.

***If you did this challenge with out a rebounder, note it on the google form.

Top 15 Shooting Drills - Alternate Range Challenge.mp4

Strength & Conditioning

D53- Friday 6-5-20.mp4