Past Weeks

Week of Nov. 30-Dec. 4/Dec. 17-23

How well did Reconstruction bring healing, justice, and reparations for freedpeople?

Monday Message: Watch this first!

Mon., Nov. 30/Thurs., Dec. 17

What were freedpeople’s hopes for Reconstruction? How successful was the United States’ first plan for Reconstruction?

Block A

Block C

Block E

Tues., Dec. 1/Fri., Dec. 18

What were the early successes of Reconstruction for freedpeople?

Block A

Block C

Block E

Weds., Dec. 2/Mon., Dec. 21

What were the early successes of Reconstruction for freedpeople? How did white supremacists resist efforts to bring healing and justice?

Block A

Block C

Block E

"13th" - Block A Block C Block E

Thurs., Dec. 3/Tues., Dec. 22

What was "Jim Crow"? How did Jim Crow undo the work of Reconstruction in the lives of Black Americans?

Block A

Block C

Block E

Fri., Dec. 4/Weds., Dec. 23

How well did Reconstruction bring healing, justice, and reparations for freedpeople? Based on what we learned this week, does the United States today owe reparations for past injustice?

Block A - Weekly Wrap-Up quiz

Block C - Weekly Wrap-Up quiz

Block E Weekly Wrap-Up quiz