Mrs. Bailiff's Class


Click to email Mrs. Bailiff

7th Grade Math APP

Essentials of Algebra


Planning Period:  1:43-2:30

Dare to dream it, work to achieve it!

Otter of the Week

Alyson Reed

Google Classroom Code

Please sign up to be able to access your Google Classroom.  Go to Google Classroom and click on the + sign at the top.  Enter the code for your class.

Parisians:  ipu6wb3

Surfers:  zjcsckr

Sluggers:  ibx5c4v

Remind Text Sign-Up

Please sign up to receive texts from me about what is going on in Math.  Send the text for your class to 81010.

     Parisians:  @parisians1

     Surfers:  @surfers34

     Sluggers:  @sluggers67

Google Classroom

All of my students have joined my Google Classroom.  I upload pictures of my notes and a video for each lesson that I have taught in class.  So if you are absent, need extra teaching, or if a parent needs to see how a concept was taught, it is always available to you on my Google Classroom.

I offer tutoring to my students on Wednesdays from 2:30-3:15 in my classroom.  Math is so much harder if you get behind.  So get help sooner rather than later.  Please encourage your child to ask for help if needed.  That is what I am here for!!!  When we persevere, we gain confidence.

Bailiff CMS VIRTUAL Back to School Experience 2021
Cope Information
How to prepare your child for success!

Wish List

Canon ink cartridge 245[black]

Canon ink cartridge 246[color]


