Mrs. Valentine

6th Grade Social Studies


1st Block  7:40-8:51

2nd Block 8:54 -10:05

3rd Block 10:08-11:19

4th Block 11:22 -12:33

Lunch 12:33-12:56

5th Block 12:56-2:07

FLEX 2:10 -2:40



phone: 549-5317

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Codes to Join Google Classroom

1st Block:  yu3hebj

3rd Block:  kaucims

4th Block:  gzajhxd

5th Block: ywb3gbo

Class Overview

The United States and Louisiana: Beginnings Through Ratification

 Beginning with the exploration of colonization of North America, this course offers a chronological study of major events, issues, movements, individuals, and groups of people in the United States from a national and a Louisiana perspective. In this course, students will examine British and French exploration and colonization, the development of the British thirteen colonies; French and Spanish Colonial Louisiana, the American Revolution, and the development and ratification of the U.S. Constitution. 

About Me

Welcome to 6th Grade Social Studies. I am delighted to be your teacher this year. I have been teaching Social Studies for 23 years and I love it! Teaching is the greatest job in the world. Every day is a new adventure. 

When you enter our classroom you will become historians, explorers, and investigators of the past! You will uncover the history of early America and  see how the events of the past have shaped the modern world.


Rachel Valentine 549-5345