ELO-P Expanded Learning Opportunities Program FAQs & Plan

2024-25 School Year ELO-P Registration (Go to School Year Enrollment Tab for Registration Link)

To inquire about enrollment in ELOP, please contact Sue Gribbon.  Click here to contact Sue Gribbon

General Information


Question: When did ELO-P start in BUSD?

Answer: ELO-P started in the 2022-23 school year.

Q: What grades are included in ELO-P?

A: Unduplicated students in grades TK-6 are eligible for ELO-P.

Q: If my student qualifies for ELO-P (identified as Unduplicated and in grades TK-6), are they automatically enrolled? 

A: No, if you are eligible, the ELO-P Survey was automatically sent to you. This must be completed for your student to be on the ELO-P registration list.

Q: Is ELO-P the same as School Age Care (SAC) daycare?

A: Yes, ELO-P is an expansion of the SAC program.

Q: Can students attend ELO-P before and/or after school?

A: Yes, the hours of operation are 6:30am-6:00pm (during non-school hours), and students can, but are not required to attend both before AND after school.

Q: Will my child attend ELO-P at his/her home school?

A: Yes.

Q: Will students be given time to complete their homework in ELO-P?

A: Yes, homework time and help will be part of the daily program.

Q: What types of enrichment activities will be offered?

A: Organized games and sports, arts, structured playtime, clubs, leadership opportunities, etc.

Q: Will breakfast and afternoon snacks be offered?

A: Yes.

Bonita Unified School District Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan 


The ELO-P is operated by: BUSD School Age Care Department


115 W. Allen Avenue

San Dimas, CA 91773

(909) 971-8200

Ext. 5361, 5362


Name of Local Educational Agency and ELO-P Site(s):  


Local Educational Agency (LEA) Name:  Bonita Unified School District 

Contact Name:  Nancy Sifter

Contact Email:  sifter@bonita.k12.ca.us 

Contact Phone: 909-971-8200 ext 5360


Instructions: Please list the school sites that your LEA selected to operate the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P).   


1—Safe and Supportive Environment  

The program will provide a safe and nurturing environment that supports the developmental, social-emotional and physical needs of all students.


    The program will be offered on the school site in coordination with the district-run School Age Care program; transportation will not be needed.

    Staff members will be identifiable by program badges.

    The location of the program on the school campus will be clearly defined for staff, students, and families throughout the duration of the program.

    Health, safety, and behavior procedures will be communicated to staff through meetings and various trainings, and with students through group meetings, and families through the program handbook and correspondence from program staff. Staff will be trained in safety and first aid.

Staff will engage in safety procedures and practice drills with students.

Health and medical needs of students will be communicated to staff.

Documentation and communication of incidents (e.g., written reports and phone records) will be maintained confidentially and accessible to staff.

Student rosters with current emergency contacts will be maintained confidentially and updated as changes occur.

Staff and students will build a sense of community and belonging for all and will collaborate in the creation of behavioral agreements.

Staff will hold students to high expectations for behavior and achievement by: acknowledging positive behavior and student accomplishments and intervening and redirecting when students are engaged in physically and/or emotionally unsafe behavior.

    ELO-P will be offered to grades TK-6th on all student free days and intersession days when offered by School Age Care (will meet 30 day requirement).


2—Active and Engaged Learning 

Program design and activities will reflect active, meaningful and engaging learning methods that promote collaboration and expand student horizons.


    The program will provide a variety of activities utilizing various learning modalities (visual, tactile, auditory, kinesthetic).

    Staff will offer students opportunities to experience working in groups that have a clear purpose and that support collaborative interaction.

    Students will be given opportunities to use technology to enhance their learning.


3—Skill Building 

The program will maintain high expectations for all students and link program goals and curricula with 21st-century skills (e.g., critical thinking, creativity, and information and communications technology).


    Staff will create projects that relate to and engage students of all grade levels (TK-6).

    Staff will use practices that support mastery such as:

    Providing opportunities to practice skills

    Activities to allow students to build on previously learned skills

    Facilitating reflections and offering constructive feedback

    Students will have the opportunity to work in groups where they practice skills such as team building, collaboration, and use of effective communication.


4—Youth Voice and Leadership    

The program will provide and support opportunities for students to play a meaningful role in program design and implementation, and provides ongoing access to student leadership roles.


    Staff will facilitate student voice and leadership in ways that promote positive relationships within the program.

    Students will be offered opportunities to engage in leadership roles that are supported by staff.

    Students will be encouraged to share their perspectives and offer input regarding program design, what they want to learn, and the quality of their experience in the program.


5—Healthy Choices and Behaviors 

The program will promote student well-being through opportunities to learn about and practice balanced nutrition, physical activity and other healthy choices in an environment that supports a healthy lifestyle.

    A healthy culture and environment will be maintained by the program.

    Nutrition considerations and physical activity will be built into operating procedures of the program and activity design.

    Students will be offered daily opportunities to engage in developmentally appropriate physical activities.

    Students will have a voice and take part in creating and maintaining a healthy culture and environment within their program.


6—Diversity, Access, and Equity  

The program will be designed to address cultural and linguistic diversity and provide opportunities for all students to experience diversity, access, and equity. 


    To the extent practicable, the program will recruit and hire staff that reflects the community of the students served.

    Outreach efforts to reach eligible students will be posted at the school site, posted on the district website, email/text communication, etc.

    The program will be aware of and will support student needs.

    Diversity related to students will be respected.

    Activities will be adapted to accommodate the physical and developmental abilities of all students, and actively encourage their participation in the program.


7—Quality Staff 

The program will recruit and retain high quality staff and provide ongoing staff development/training based on assessed staff needs.


    The program will engage in a recruitment and hiring process that carefully considers experience, knowledge, interest, ability to create a safe environment, diversity, and capacity for engaging children in age appropriate and meaningful learning. Information that affects the day-to-day operations of the program will be made available.

    Staff will demonstrate ability to deliver a program that meets grant requirements.

    The program will provide staff with: clear titles and job descriptions, training and staff development opportunities, resources and materials to deliver activities

    Information regarding grant requirements will be readily available.

    Staff will exhibit: integrity, professionalism, caring, and competency as a positive role model and a commitment to building positive relationships with a culturally, linguistically, and socio-economically diverse community of students, staff, and parents.


8—Clear Vision, Mission, and Purpose 

The program has a clearly defined vision, mission, goals, and measurable outcomes to utilize for continual improvement.


Mission: For the students in our care, we will create a safe expanded learning environment that will shape character, nurture intellect and build skills for success.

Vision: Bonita Unified School District will prepare every student to live their purpose.


    The program will ensure that its vision and mission complement each other and are reflected in program goals and outcomes.

    The program will monitor progress toward its goals and outcomes.

    The program will communicate, review, and make appropriate changes to its goals as needed.

    Staff will share the program’s mission, vision, goals, outcomes, and planned activities with families through a variety of strategies (e.g., parent meetings, electronic communication, newsletters, etc.).

    Students will be offered opportunities to provide input that is used to impact the program’s vision, mission, goals, and outcomes.


9—Collaborative Partnerships 

The program will build and support collaborative relationships among internal and external stakeholders, including families, schools and community, to achieve program goals.


    The program will coordinate an integrated partnership between the instructional day and expanded learning program.

    To the extent necessary, the program will engage potential partners (public and private) to sustain program services.

    Staff will work collaboratively with internal stakeholders in order to achieve program goals.

    Staff will engage, communicate, and connect parents to information and services available to them within their community and school.


10—Continuous Quality Improvement    

The program will use data to assess its strengths and weaknesses in order to continuously improve program design, outcomes and impact.


    The program will establish a continuous quality improvement that incorporates feedback from staff, youth, parents, and the K-6 partners.

    The program will develop a set of guiding questions that are related to the program design, desired program outcomes, and impact.

    The program will record and keep track of the information it collects in a manner that protects the confidentiality of stakeholders.

    Collectively, staff will analyze program data to understand strengths and weaknesses in programming.

    Staff will engage students in the continuous quality improvement process by seeking their feedback about program activities.

    Staff will use feedback to prioritize future work around program design, professional development, and program practices.


11—Program Management  

The program has sound fiscal and administrative practices supported by well-defined and documented policies and procedures that meet grant requirements.


    The program will create and distribute a user-friendly parent/student handbook that describes policies and procedures.

    The program will create and annually update documentation that addresses program operation including policies, procedures, practices, and staff roles, and adheres to federal, state, and local requirements.

    The program will utilize the district’s fiscal management system that includes a well-documented budget with line item expenses and the duration and amount of each revenue source.

    The program’s organizational structure will allow staff to focus on the needs of students, and includes job descriptions and lines of supervision.

    Staff at the program and site level will use various well-defined channels of communication, including meetings and written correspondence with stakeholders.

    The LEA/program has the appropriate insurance to protect staff, administrators, volunteers, participants, and parents.

    The program will adhere to district processes and procedures regarding written agreements that define roles and responsibilities of subcontractors and partners.

    Managers at all levels will take advantage of opportunities to develop management and leadership skills, and stay informed about new research, best practices, and innovations in expanded learning programs.



General Information (Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten)


Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten Ratios and Personnel

Schools serving transitional kindergarten or kindergarten pupils will maintain a pupil to-staff member ratio of 10 to 1. Current School Age Care personnel will work directly with transitional kindergarten and kindergarten students. Shifts and hours will be increased to accommodate the hours of TK. Schools serving TK will coordinate with TK teachers regarding age appropriate activities.


Transitional Kindergarten School Day Schedule

August 19 through June 4 8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Transitional Kindergarten ELO-P Daycare Hours 

August 19 through June 4 6:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.