Our Grizzly Community

Suicide Prevention Month

Photo Challenge- Things that make life worth living

Friday 9/18

Send in a selfie of yourself dressed in YELLOW in promotion of Suicide Awareness!

send photos to abrust@bomusd.org

The semicolon is used when an author could have chosen to end a sentence but instead chose to continue on. In this instance, your life is the sentence and you are the author.

This week 9/6-9/12 is Suicide prevention week, Peer Advocates and Leadership are asking you, the students, to send us pictures of what makes you happy. Ranging from Sunsets to Puppies on Rainbows. . . Whatever makes YOU happiest! Send us all your Beautiful Moments Pictures!

Throughout next week please send us your photos and we will be putting all your pictures up on our Grizzly Community Page.

In addition to these photos, on Friday 9/18 we are also asking you to send in a selfie in all your yellow gear to show your own support for suicide prevention.

Suicide Prevention

Our goal is to promote awareness within our community, and let some unheard people feel heard. By focusing on the good parts of life, we are supporting the best ways for students to cope with the recent occurrences.

  • What can you do? You can listen. There are people around you who may be fearful of voicing their struggles and getting help. By being a good friend and a good listener, you can change (and possibly save) someone’s life.

  • If you need help? We care! You are NOT ALONE. You can contact any of the Peer Advocates or a trusted teacher for resources, as well as call the suicide prevention hotline at:


Crisis Text Line 741741 24hr

Placerville Crisis (530) 622-3345 24hr

National Suicide Hotline 1 (800) 273-8255 24hr

Trevor Project LGBTQ+ Youth 1 (866) 488-7386 24hr


New Morning Youth Shelter (530) 626-4190 24hr


Available at your school: Jennifer Dwight-Frost, Samanatha Jacoby, and Paige White

Sierra Child & Family Services (530) 295-1491

Summitview Childe & Family Services (530) 644-2412


El Dorado Community Hub 4 offers classes groups and activities for families and youth. Staffed by a team of family engagement, literacy and health specialists. 1 (800) 844-4492

Divide Wellness

(530) 333-2548